► vi

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C H A P T E R  S I X
"The worst type of crying wasn't the kind everyone could see -- the wailing on the street corners, the tearing at clothes. No, the worst kind happened when your soul wept and no matter what you did, there was no way to comfort it."

She felt numb. Completely and utterly numb to the point of not knowing if she truly existed or not. So numb, she was beginning to question if she was just a figment of everyone's imagination. But she knew, she knew damn well that she was a person. She was a human being created from love and she was indeed, flesh, bones and a beating heart.

Sweat was across her forehead and as she laid on the table, so completely numb and broken. She gripped onto the metal table underneath her, eyes dead set on Brenda as she gave the girl a stone cold stare. Mataya gritted her teeth together and felt her anger subside as she felt the pain return once more.

It wasn't supposed to hurt, it was supposed to be simple. The Swipe was gone, she wasn't supposed to feel...empty.

She bit down on her tongue to stop the tears, feeling the constant tearing at her heart as she shut her eyes and waited for the pain to subside. She was so wrong about the Swipe. Wrong in so many ways. She had wanted it...wanted it so damn badly that she practically begged Thomas to trust her. To believe that this was for the best.

But as she sat there on the metal table, a void present in her body as her head throbbed with unimaginable pain, her eyes glistening with tears -- she was mainly disappointed in herself for not believing Thomas. For thinking that she could trust WICKED enough to give her some sliver of happiness that wasn't her boyfriend.

She quickly sat up, anger riveting inside of her body. She hopped off the table and Brenda rushed forward to grab her as she stumbled to the side -- her head throbbing with pain. Mataya's eyes narrowed and the brunette stepped back in fear.

"You lied." She spat through her clenched teeth as she tightened her grip on the metal table behind her. "You lied to all of our faces. You let me just trust you with everything and for what Brenda? Just so you could get the damn Bliss? Do you even have the flare or was that a lie also?"

Brenda swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. "Please Mat, just-"

"No! You don't to call me Mat, only my friends...the people I trust can call me that and you lost that privilege the moment I stepped into this room to see you were working with WICKED this entire time." Mataya winced in pain, "You lost that privilege when you told me that removing the Swipe would be painless, and that I wouldn't be so fucking depressed!"

Brenda flinched at the girls change in tone. She no longer was the calm and collective Mataya that she loved and knew. No, Mataya was shaking with uncontrollable rage as she let go of the table and stepped forward, pushing a table to the floor with rage. Face red, jagged breaths and sweat glistening her forehead she turned around and swiped her hand across the table making medicine go flying to the ground and shattering with a loud bang.

"Take them back!" Mataya screamed, her eyes watery and her chest heaving up and down quickly.
"Take all of those stupid memories you gave me back. Take back the memories of me trusting you. Take them back now Brenda or so help me god I will fucking kill you right here and right now.

I don't care if Thomas cares about you more than a friend secretly. I don't care if you did it to protect us. Take back my memories now!"

The pain was like she ran into a brick wall head on. Full impact. Her heart, it hurt so badly she felt like she was dying. Her head, her body, her heart, everything. She stepped forward again, tears now freely sliding down her face as she fell to her knees and began to beg.

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now