► iv

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"They witnessed her destruction, then were left to wonder why. She saw nothing but darkness, though the stars shone in her eyes. But maybe they'd forgotten, when they failed to see the cracks. That a star's light shines the brightest, when it's starting to collapse."

NOT A SINGLE PERSON DARE spoke a word, the only sound was the heart monitor flatlining. Everyone didn't even dare look away from the peaceful looking girl because, it was them that had failed. It was them, that killed the chancellor's only family member.

On the twenty eighth day Mataya woke up groggy. Her head had pounded with a sickening headache and she sat up, her eyes squinting together as she rubbed at it softly. Her eyes darted around the room, the only source of light coming from the cracked open door. She had broken every source of light when she went on her rampage only a mere three weeks ago. She huffed, sitting up higher and looked down at the clean, spotless ground.

Had she been dreaming? Maybe hallucinating?

Mataya huffed, her body falling back against the pillow and her arms crossing over her chest. She looked over at her bedside table where a new lamp sat. She only rolled her eyes and leaned forward. A glass of water was left on it along with a piece of paper with scribbles and a tiny little velvet bag. Mataya furrowed her eyebrows, snatching the piece of paper and sitting back against the soft pillows.

All her time spent in this room in those four weeks, and she had no care that the door was open and she was free to roam. If anything, she felt drained and depressed and wanting nothing more to sleep in the bed forever because clearly that was WICKED's intentions.

She pulled the note into her view and read it.

'Have a shower, get dressed and eat breakfast. Someone will be there at ten o'clock.

p.s. i thought i should return these.'

It was signed Ava and Mataya crumpled the note instantly, chucking it across the room. It didn't get very far, only landing on the heap of blankets. She huffed, looking over at the velvet bag. She looked away quickly, pulling the blankets off of her body and climbing out of her bed.

She rid of any thoughts of the velvet bag and made her way to the bathroom where she showered - scrubbing at her body hard and long before she climbed out, dried her body and got dressed. She decided to do her hair, and she pulled back a huge chunk, braiding the piece and tying it with an elastic.

Pushing open the bathroom door, her eyes landed on the bag once more and she looked away again, walking towards her closet where she grabbed a pair of running shoes and a soft cardigan to keep her warm. She had opted out on wearing all white, like everyone in this facility and had a nice, cotton grey shirt on, keeping her nice and warm.

Mataya walked back over to her bad and plopped down, her hands together in her lap as she waited patiently. There was nothing else she could do but wait for someone to come and shed some light on this odd predicament that she was placed in. One minute she was asleep in a room with Thomas and the others and then she's locked in her room for four weeks.

Her eyes flickered back to the bag and she groaned, lunging forward and grabbing it, quickly pulling the top open and pouring the contents out. She dropped the bag and picked up the gold band that she was so familiar with. The metal was smooth and cold against her warm skin.

Mataya smiled, getting up from her bed and walking over to her dresser where she placed the ring on top and opened up the top drawer, rummaging around for a bit before she pulled out a velvet bag similar to the one she was given too and shut the drawer. She quickly opened the bag and dumped out the same gold band.

She flipped it over and read the engraving.

'Forever my love.'

Grabbing both the rings, she walked over to her desk and opened it, grabbing out the long chain she had kept in their for unknown purposes and opening it up, sliding the two wedding bands on and clasping it around her neck, tucking it underneath her shirt so it wasn't seen.

The door creaked open and she turned around quickly as a guard walked in. He wore the same familiar black uniform and a launcher in his hand and Mataya didn't bother fighting, walking towards him and out the door into the bright hallway.

She squinted at the sudden brightness, tugging the cardigan tighter around her body as he nudged his launcher towards the direction she was meant to go in. They walked down the empty hallways until they entered an auditorium, and Mataya was washed with relief as she faced the other gladers.

"Mataya?" A voice called out, and she smiled, pushing past people and launching herself into Minho's arms.

"Minho! Oh my god, you have no idea how glad I am to see you." She mentally cursed again for using glader slang.

Minho pulled away, holding the girl at arms length as he took her in. She looked like hell, her eyes bloodshot and bags still present but he didn't care none the less. "I knew you'd miss me, but I didn't think you'd miss me that much. Are you bored of Thomas already? "

Mataya laughed, ignoring his comment. "Did they do anything to you?" She asked, suddenly concerned.

Minho shook his head, "They didn't hurt me. Everyone who was taken from WICKED is here...even Teresa despite my hateful comments towards Janson, he demands she stays." He rolled his eyes.

Newt popped up from behind the boy and Mataya smiled wider, pulling him into a tight hug. "Thank god you are all okay."

Newt raised an eyebrow, "Us okay? We were told that you and Thomas had gone absolutely bonkers and they took you away to a closed unit."

Mataya shook her head, her mind jumbled with too many different thoughts. "No, I was locked up in my room with..." She stopped talking, her hand lingering over her chest where the wedding rings sat against her skin.

"With what?" Minho questioned.

Mataya shook her head, "With nothing."

Minho and Newt glanced at each other with suspicion but ignored her odd behaviour, she clearly didn't want to talk about it and they respected that. Mataya's eyes searched the room, suddenly aware that Thomas wasn't amongst them.

Alongside Brenda and Jorge, which made her grow nervous. She didn't care that Brenda didn't like Mataya at the moment, she loved her like a sister and she would care for her no matter what she did. The only deal breaker would be if she worked for WICKED - Mataya couldn't imagine the betrayal she would feel if they had lied all along.

Shaking her head, she turned back to the boys. "Where's Thomas?"

"Well, I've been shucked and gone to heaven. It's Thomas!" Minho said, making Mataya turn around quickly.

Thomas came strolling in, his face flooded with relief as he scanned the group of gladers and Mataya. He smiled, his eyes locking on the three for a moment, but his eyes continued to look around. Mataya furrowed her eyebrows together, turning around to see what he was so fixated on. She felt her smile drop when she stood up from her seat, her gaze set on his.

The look he gave her sent a sharp pain through her chest, a dull ache as he continued to gaze. Like everything she did to him and everyone else no longer mattered. Like Mataya didn't matter. He went to take a step forward towards her but he caught himself, looking back at the three confused teenagers.

Mataya didn't look away from the girl as Thomas strolled over towards them. No, she stood there, her eyes narrowed into slits as she watched her watch him carefully. Like she was planning what to do next.

There stood Teresa, the betrayer, with a look of satisfaction.

- - -




I feel like no one is enjoying the sequel so tell me honestly; should i not bother? i personally liked the way Subject Terminated end and am perfectly fine with it being a one book, but if you guys really want it i will continued to sequel.

it's up to you all, but i feel like no one is enjoying it.

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now