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you were once soft and sweet, melting into space, creating the Galaxy around you
but now you're spinning too fast for me

THE ROOM WAS FILLED WITH UTTER SILENCE despite the long high pitched death alarm, and the doctors looked down at the girl with a horrid expression. A fear and sadness mixed into something unimaginable as they looked at the chancellor's niece, so peaceful - despite the cuts and bruises and the mess of blood surrounding them.

And then they felt it, the rumble of the building, the horrid sound of the whole entire facility shattering to the ground. Suddenly, they had no time to mourn the girl - they only had time to panic. So they did, dropping their things and stripping away the bloody gowns, they took off from the room - leaving the girl behind.

But maybe, just maybe, it was better off that way.

Some time after Mataya's earth shattering moment, she had lagged to the back of the group once again - following closely behind them and left in her brewing insanity. At one point, she had noticed Thomas' head turn into her direction, his eyes landing on her tensed jaw but he had quickly turned around without a word to the girl.

It wasn't that she wanted to speak to him - or anyone for that matter - but she couldn't help but feel him pulling away and letting her push him away.

After a few minutes, they reached the weapon depot and Mataya finally dropped the clenched blade from her flesh. It clattered to the ground, and her hand pulsed with a scorching pain that was all too familiar. The cut was sticky from new and some already crusted blood mixing together but she simply wiped it against her pants, not caring about the stain that would result.

"Someone's setting us up," Minho muttered under his breath as they all took in the many weapons.

Mataya shuffled forward, reaching for a long blade clipped to the wall and examining it. She could see her reflection through the freshly cleaned blade and she was taken back. Heavy bags were present from little to no sleep and she had fresh and old wounds scattered across her face. There was a big shiner on her head from something she wasn't aware or, and another deep purple bruise on her cheek.

She looked away quickly, throwing the blade once in the air and catching it, before nodding and looking back towards Thomas and the other Gladers.

"How do we know you're not in on it?" Minho demanded, as he eyed Brenda.

Mataya snickered from her spot. Minho had every right to be skeptical of Brenda. She had betrayed him. She betrayed them all and what did she respect? For everyone to bow down to her feet after she helped Thomas and the others escape The Swipe removal?

Brenda answered, her voice wavering as she did so. "All I can say is that I swear I'm not. I have no idea what's happening."

Mataya's eyes rolled dramatically, her eyes landing on Newt as he gave her a disapproving stare. He turned his back to her, walking into the weapons room where she was standing and examined the walls with curiosity. She walked over slowly, the weapon dragging behind her a bit as she did so.

"Look at this," Newt pointed out to the wall and she tilted her head to examine it, her eyes squinting a bit as she did so.

"Look at the dust patterns," He began as the others entered the room. "It's pretty obvious that a bunch of stuff was taken recently. Maybe even within the last hour or so."

Mataya stepped forward, her finger swiping across the dust wall before she turned and examined the rest of the room. He was right - the walls were dusty and evident that no one had been in recently to clean it, let alone use a weapon. There was a clean mark from where she had grabbed her weapon.

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now