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T H E  E N D
"Now everytime I witness a strong person, I want to know: What darkness did you conquer in your story? Mountains do not rise without earthquakes."

Slip Away - Ruelle

THE SENSE OF IMPENDING DOOM had washed over her once the announcement had ended. The buzz and crack of the riot filling the atmosphere. She could feel it suffocating her, the fear of the unknown. Not knowing what could end up happening. The fear was lodged into her body and ripping her apart, piece by piece. Mataya ran towards the bus stop now.  The lights began to flash and as she edged closer and closer to where the Berg had landed, the feeling grew. 

"Hey!" She screamed out her voice fraying, the sounds echoing around her as she saw the two figures.

Someone laid with his back on the ground, a loud yell escaping his lips as another sat on top of him. With a swift kick of his leg the boy on top went flying to the ground. 

Mataya didn't understand what was happening, she couldn't fully make out who it was but she grew closer and closer. The struggle on the ground continued and then they were standing, fist flying. And then the relief that she had found who she needed was quickly gone, snatched away with a blink of an eye. Her body stopped dead in it' track and she felt it crash against the glass as she looked out over the open space, hand against the cold metal frame of the door. 

It was Thomas and Newt. Both of the boys held onto each other for a moment, and then they slowly pulled away to look at one another. Mataya could make out the black blood that had been oozing from Newt's mouth and the knife plunging out of his chest. Newt grabbed onto Thomas's arm.

"No..." Mataya speak just a hair below a whisper. Her throat grew dry and she swallows hard, trying to slow her breathing. "Nononononono."


Newt fell back and Thomas quickly reach forward and helped guide him to the concrete ground. 

Mataya couldn't breathe. 

Thomas cowered over Newt's lifeless body. 

She held onto the door with all the strength she had left, her other shakily covering her mouth as Thomas gripped onto Newt's clothes like his life had depended on it. Up ahead, Brenda came running forward and stopped.

Her teeth clenched and she stood up straight, her back turning from the scene as her hands slid into her hair. She gripped it tightly and pulled, not knowing what to do with all the mixed emotions burrowing inside of her. She let go of her hair after a moment, her hands shaking. She looked down at them as they shook. Quickly and suddenly, her hands were balled into a fist as it flew towards the glass window and crashed against it. 


The glass was thick, so it didn't even leave a crack. Her hand flattened, her palm against the cool fabric as her teeth stayed clenched and she breathed in deeply through her nose, the pain shooting up her arm. Her eyes shut together tightly, her chest heaving up and down at a deliberately slow pace. 

Legs barely able to stand, her hand burning in pain, she turned and looked at the lifeless body of the boy she loved. And the boy she also loved killed him. Her chest racked with sobs, her lips quivering as she let the complete and utter numbness wash over her. No tears fell but she was broken. So so broken. 

Everything hit her, hard. She couldn't imagine a life without Newt. The thought made her want to throw up. To stop breathing right there. She couldn't imagine the fear and guilt Thomas would feel, knowing he was the one to end Newt's demise. He would spend the rest of eternity with that. If Mataya could, she would trade her life with Newt's in the blink of an eye. Thomas needed Newt to survive. He's been there, since the moment Thomas entered the maze. Mataya wanted so desperately to be the person who died instead. 

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now