One love, two love

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I wish I have missed the first time we kissed.

The year was 2004. I was at Alisha's place for her Hindi tuition. Although we never admitted but we both knew we were more than just friends. I opened the Hindi language textbook and just when I was about to begin she closed it. I reopened the book which she closed again. I could tell she was not in the mood to study. As I inched for the book she forcefully took the textbook from my hand and threw it away on the bed.

"So you don't want to study?" I asked.

She shook her head to suggest I was right.

"What are we suppose to do then?"

She opened her notebook and wrote down.

You are <3

My 14 years old heart started racing when I read it but I acted as if I didn't get it, so I asked her, "I'm what?"

She wrote it again on her notebook.

You are <3

"I am whaaaat?" I reiterated, teasing her.

"Gosh! I rated you on a scale of 1-10." She laughed out loud.



"Less than 3, huh?" I felt disappointed.

"That's not very nice."

"See, it's really nice. The way it appears!"

"But why less than 3?" I reasoned her.

"Because 2 are more than enough," she said, smiling graciously.

I was apparently swept of my feet. I leaned in to her and interlocked my fingers with hers. The way she looked at me it was evident that she wanted me to kiss her. And what followed was a beautifully awesome embrace and a memorable first kiss.

I was no way less than 3!

I could see the same look on Alisha, now, since we played polynomial in her house. I could tell she had feelings for me. And I didn't know why but I felt the same for her. It was like the year 2004 again.

My last meeting with Alisha rekindled my feelings for her. Every time I thought of her, a smile popped up in my face. They say if you are deliriously happy when you think about someone and a smile creeps up on you, even when you are in the worst of moods, if even a mere thought of that person has a power to send a jolt of energy through your weary body, then it is nothing but love. And no matter how much you try to squish it, pretend that it doesn't exist, ignore it, but it never entirely does. It always find a way back.

Rutt was returning back day after tomorrow. I reminded myself that I was with Rutt now but I just can't keep Alisha out of my head. I loved Rutt but a part of me still loved Alisha.

I guess one can't just unlove someone he or she loves.

Is it possible to have feeling for two people at the same time? Are we capable of loving two people at the same time?

I recently read somewhere that lust, romantic love and attachment, aren't always connected to each other. You can feel deep attachment to a long-term partner while you feel intense romantic love for somebody else, while you feel the sex drive for people unrelated to these other partners. In short, we're capable of loving more than one person at a time. In fact, you can lie in bed at night and swing from deep feelings of attachment for one person to deep feelings of romantic love for somebody else.

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