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"Bye, mommy!" (s/n) yelled.

I got onto my horse and waved goodbye to (s/n). I spent the whole day with him and now that its about 9pm, I had to be getting back to HQ.

"Bye, (s/n), I'll see you tomorrow night! I love you!"

I headed off. Before I go back home, I decided to go to Van's Bar. Van was a laid back guy that ran a little bar on the outskirts of town. I can stop by for a drink, right?

It is past curfew, and I'm going to be in huge trouble if I stay out any later. But I'm a risk taker, and I don't care if I get in trouble.

I strolled down the dirt road until I got there. The music from inside could be heard before you enter the building. I went inside and the smell of beer and smoke engulfed me.

"Well look who it is? Its Lil' (Y/N)!" a raspy voice said.

I looked up at Van and smiled.

"The usual."

I sat on a stool and rested my head on my hand.

"How ya doin'? Haven't seen ya in a month! You know how long that is?"

"Work, honey, work."

He came to me and started pulling out whiskey and shot glasses.

"So how's the little one? Ms. Thomas came by telling us the doc was gonna come by." he asked while pouring me a glass of whiskey.

"He has three weeks left." I said picking up the glass. I swirled around the brown liquid and drank the shot.

"Ah, that's terrible. And his birthday was just around the corner, too."

"Pour me another one." I told him. He gave me the bottle.

I just started to drink it from the bottle. Van chuckled lightly.

"So how is work?"


"Have you found a man, yet?"

"Oh my gosh..."

I took another drink.

"Well have ya?" he asked while washing out a dish.

"No." I muttered.

"When will you find yourself a man?"

"Not anytime soon."

"I bet there are some handsome, young men in the Survey Corps. You should give them a chance."

"None of them are my type."


"Oi I'm being honest!"

I pulled out a cigarette and a match from my pocket. I lit it up and put it in my mouth.

"Besides, I don't need a man. All they'd want me for is my body, so might as well not."

Van shrugged and refilled another man's glass.

"That's not true." He placed down a bottle of vodka in front of me. "There will probably be one man out there that will love you for you."

I rolled my eyes.

"I will probably never find a man like that."

"Trust me, (y/n), you will. At first he may seem like he isn't interested, but sooner or later he will confess when the time is right."

I looked at Van blankly and raised an eyebrow. He smiled.

"You'll understand one day, (y/n)."

Fix My Heart (Discontinued) | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now