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~Third Person P.O.V~

Ever since she left, Levi has never felt the same.

He is a hypocrite of his own words, for he regret not telling (Y/N) how much he cared for her before that expedition. If only he'd told he before, maybe they would of bonded more.

He was still the same stoic, smartass captain he always was, but he felt empty. It felt like something was taken away from him, and (Y/N) was the one who was taken away.

Levi moved the paperwork off his desk and started rummaging around through things until he found what he was looking for.

It was the box of letters (Y/N) wrote to him. He was never able to send her letters back, for she didn't tell him her location and she specifically told him not to send any back. He knew why she asked him not to, and he feared for (Y/N)'s wellbeing.

Levi started opening numerous letters, and he only had about 20 in total. He read all of them, and when he got to the last one his heart dropped once again when he read it. Tears welled up in his eyes. He wiped them away, for he didn't like crying. He felt like crying was a waste of time.

How are you? Are you alright? I wish I could hear the answer to that question, but sadly I cannot. I must tell you something. I feared one day this would happen, and the day has finally came.

Floyd found out about my letters to you.

He grew angry and beat me till my body couldn't bear no more. Black bruises and blood run down my skin only because I love you, and I don't regret my choices. You always told us cadets that the only thing we're allowed to do is not regret the choices we make, and I still believe in your words.

As I sit here writing in my own blood, my heart aches. Why did we have to suddenly fall in love with each other. We confessed too late, and 15 years have past since then. Oh, Levi, couldn't we have said something earlier?

To be honest, I never realized that I had feelings for you until the expedition.

Fix My Heart (Discontinued) | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now