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~A Few Weeks Later~

Melina poured the warm water over me as I sat in the small bathtub. She handed me this handmade soap she had made, and she gave me a smile.

"Hopefully that's warm enough for you." she said before leaving me to bathe.

I ran my fingers through the water and sat quietly in the dim room. The only light I had was the grey sky peeking through the window. I started to wash myself and think about what has happened for the past weeks.

The abuse has been quite terrible. Bruises and whip marks cover my body, and everything that I did just hurt. Whenever I move, my body hurts. I don't sleep much, but whenever I do its usually for about three hours or so, so I am always tired.

I've been spending time with Melina a lot more, and I've seen the better side of her. She does have a temper, but she is kind whenever things are calm. She does have this resentment towards me, but she has loosened up a bit more. I have learned more about her, and she is just a bitter person most of the time.

She had blamed me for her life being a complete hell hole, just like Ingrid. Same as all three of us, we were taken away of our innocence at a young age. She said that I purposely left her to die, but she won't completely hate me because Medina wouldn't like that. She would say that Medina would forgive her sister and move on.

I splashed the water as I thought of Medina. I could feel the same emotions I felt all those years ago, and it still hurts in my heart. She was my best friend, and she died so young. She told me that she wanted to be a florist and own a flower stand. She joked about going out of the walls to get the rare flower in her old home's garden. I always laughed at her because she would say that those titans would feel her foot in their ass if they tried to get in her way.

I smiled and started to run the soap down my body. I scrubbed a bit and just bathed for a while. Melina came back after a bit with a towel and she put it on top of the stool near the tub.

"You have five minutes left. Ingrid will be back in about thirty minutes, so please understand."

I nodded and Melina left.

"Well, fuck, I was just getting comfortable." I muttered before getting up slowly.

Walking out of the tub, I held onto the wall to keep me from falling. The bruises on my legs affected my walking a bit, and I barely stood up. I got the towel to dry off, then I left to put on the clean rags I wore. Melina came back shortly to see me fully dressed.

"Oh, I'd expect you to be in the bath still." she said.

"Well, it's time for you to go back downstairs. Ingrid will be back any time now, and she will have final plans for what will happen in a few days."

I frowned.

"What is she planning to do?" I asked.

"Kill you, of course."

I gulped and started to quiver a bit.

"H-How?" I stuttered.

"She is planning on throwing you off the wall....along with herself."

I gasped lightly at what she just said. Melina grabbed my arm to take me downstairs, but I pulled my arm away.

"Melina...why are you letting Ingrid do this to me?"

She hardened her gaze at me and raised an eyebrow.

"You already know why." she replied.

"But...but I didn't do anything Melina...please believe me...I swear on my life I have done nothing."

"Like I said before, I don't want to hear your excuses." she tried to grab my arm again, but I slapped her hand away. I pushed her away and started to run down the hallway of her house.

"(Y/N)!" she yelled.

I passed the kitchen and ran towards the front door. I opened the door, and the first person I saw was Ingrid. She was in the yard, and I ran the opposite way.

"Oi, get back here!" I heard Ingrid yell.

I ran towards the forest. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't care about anything as of this moment. I just wanted to get away. I kept running, but I ended up tripping over something. I fell to the ground hard, and I quickly got up. I felt a hand pull my rags and slammed me against a tree. I heard others, and Ingrid got in front of me. Something pierced my stomach, and I looked down to see a knife plunged into my stomach.

I screamed, and a man with Ingrid covered my mouth.

"Shut the hell up!" she whispered sternly. I tried to fight her off me, but she plunged the knife deeper into me to stop me. "If you didn't know, your little friends have come to save you. They've surrounded this area, and I don't want to get caught."

She pulled her knife out and let her men carry me. They quickly took me back to the house, and in the back I could hear Melina crying. The man that was carrying me had put me down on the floor and shut the door behind him. I heard Ingrid rush to her.

"Melina, why are you crying?" Ingrid asked.

"I just wanted to help her...but she doesn't trust me." I heard her cry. "I just wanted to help (Y/N)."

I got up off the floor and began to walk backwards. Men guarded the door, and I heard Ingrid come my way. When she came to me, the anger in her eyes made me regret what I have done. Ingrid slapped me harder than ever before and grabbed my hair. She didn't say anything to me, she just simply dragged me down the hallway and threw me in the basement.

I couldn't catch my grip on anything, so I fell down the stairs. Ingrid slammed the door and locked it. I slowly got up. My legs were sore from my attempted escape, and my stomach hurt from the stab wound.

I couldn't move to the other side of the room, so I sat back down by the dirty water Melina used to do her laundry. I looked in it and saw more rags she was washing for me. I grabbed that small rag, then tied it around the sore, stinging area. The cool water helped the soreness a little bit, so I laid back to rethink of what just happened in that short period of time.

Ingrid said that they're looking for me. Everyone that I care about is actually searching for me. Hopefully they find me within a few days because if they don't, I'll probably be dead by then.

I touched my sore stomach and looked down with a face of disappointment.

"I wonder how Floyd will react if he finds out that his heir is dead..." I muttered.


Hey, guys! So I skipped a lot in this part because I cannot think of anything to write about for stuff in between. So I just skipped three weeks and I'm getting ready for this death part. I'm just too excited to write that, so I had to skip.

I will get in a different POV next chapter. Just a side note you need to know, Finn actually told everyone the information about where Ingrid kinda is in return for his death sentence to be lifted. Yes, Lauren is fucking pissed, but everyone is pissed except Van who is probably drinking his way to heaven...

Yeah, I'm gonna have to add a few Van chapter when Part Three comes along. ALSO, chapter twenty is the chapter where something exciting is going to happen. Please be ready for that. Be very ready.

Anyways, hopefully you guys have a great day. Thank you so much for reading! This book has been blowing up lately. At the beginning of last week it was at 26k, now it is literally at 31k. How is that fucking possible?

Don't fucking know lol. Have a great day :)

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