c h a p t e r | s e v e n t e e n

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"Who said I left you?"

I looked up at the man holding me in his arms. His face had a huge smile cast upon it, and his face showed nothing but pure happiness.

"Mom, I didn't leave you." (S/N) said to me.

I looked at him in confusion, and I frowned slightly.

"W-What?" I stuttered. "You're my little boy?"

(S/N) opened his (E/C) eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm that little boy."

"But how? You died."

"I can't explain that right now. I just came to say that I love you, mom. I never meant to leave you, and I'm sorry you felt that way."

(S/N) brought me into a hug again, and I held onto him as hard as I could. I squeezed him and felt the pressure of his presence go away. I frowned and held onto him tighter, and he laughed lightly.

"Bye, mom. I'll see you sometime soon."

I felt (S/N) go away into dust, and my lips parted to say something. I looked around and saw nothing but pure white. I opened my hands and saw dust in them. I smiled at it.

"I love you, too."


I woke up to a loud laugh. I opened my eyes and saw a group of men sitting at the table in the basement. I looked up at them, and they noticed I was awake.

"Oi, that bitch is awake." one said.

The one closest to me smirked and got up from his seat. He came to me and grabbed me by the arm only to pull me up.

"A little morning fuck won't hurt." he said before taking my ripped dress away from my shaking hands.

He pushed me onto the chair he was in and made me open my legs.

"No, don't." I said off of impulse. I tried to close my legs, but he was stronger than me.

"I wonder if this whore's cunt is still as tight as it was last night."

He started to unbuckle is belt, but there was a loud throat clearing. I looked to my right to see Melina. She was holding a basket of clothes on her hip and she had one of her eyebrows raised.

"I don't think you lazy fucks know where the exit is." Melina said with an irritated tone of voice. "Get out of my house."

The man in front of me buckled his pants back up and sighed.

"But, Melina, we just wanted to-"

"You already got your payment from Ingrid, now get the fuck out."

All the men started to leave one by one, and once they were all gone, Melina came to me. She threw a piece of clothing at me and started to do laundry.

Fix My Heart (Discontinued) | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now