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~The Next Day: Floyd's P.O.V~

"I beg to differ, Gregori." I told my brother.

"But she was kissing the captain last night! I saw her with my own, naked eye!" he replied angrily.

I shook my head.

"I do not believe your words, for my wife doesn't love the captain anymore. Your eyes must have been playing tricks on you because she is faithful to me, and only me."

Gregori rolled his eyes, and he crossed his arms.

"And how do you know that?"

"She showed her love and affection to me while the captain was present."

"That's what she wants you to think! She wants you to believe that she loves only you, but secretly she is with that man!

I stood up from my seat.

"I do not want to hear another word come out your mouth, Gregori. This nonsense you speak of my wife is complete-"

I heard the door to my office open, and my beautiful (Y/N) entered the room. She came in with my favorite dress on. It was perfect on her, and whenever she wore it my heart skipped a beat.

"Evening, darling." (Y/N) said walking towards me. She came around my desk and started to adjust my suit. "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I had to see your face to keep me sane. Isn't that right, Gregori?"

My brother frowned at her, then he softened his expression.

"Yes, ma'am." he said.

(Y/N) smiled at him, and then she brought her attention back to me.

"We have to be at the meeting in an hour. It'll take about a half an hour to get there, so it'd be best that we leave now." she said.

I ran my fingers through her (H/C) hair, and I stared into her innocent, (E/C) eyes.

"Yes, dear. We will depart in a few minutes. We're only going to take the Scouts and (L/N) with us today when we leave, so make sure they are ready."

"I'm actually one step ahead of you. I have the Scouts and (L/N), but I also tagged along his friend, Ronald Dunkirk. Is that alright?"

She bit her lip in uncertainty, and I couldn't say no to her.

"Its fine." I told her.

(Y/N) smiled and nodded.

"Great," she pecked my lips. "I'll see you downstairs, dearie."

She walked away from me and slightly nodded a goodbye to Gregori. She left the room, and a tense silence was all that was left. I raised an eyebrow at my brother.

"See? There is no possible way that (Y/N) is in love with Captain Levi. She only cares about me now."

Gregori sighed heavily, and he shrugged.

"If you say so, brother. Now leave with your wife. You two must be going to this meeting."

I nodded and left my office. Before I left, Gregori placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Stay cautious, Derek. Please." he told me.

"I will." I replied before leaving my office.

I continued down the hallway, and I got a glance from downstairs. (Y/N) was giving the soldiers instructions, and after she was done she noticed that I was staring at her. She smiled at me and went outside.

Why does my own brother think that my love is cheating on me with the captain? It is unlikely that she does, for if she did I would already know. She learned her lesson about loving him, and this is the product of the learnt lesson.

Fix My Heart (Discontinued) | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now