Chapter 1

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You woke up lying on a bed of golden flowers. You didn't remember being here in the first place. You sighed as you sat up when your head immediately burst into pain. The pain decreased as you winced and held your head until until was gone. Once it was gone you stood up and walked into the only path around there. You looked through your bag and saw what you had. Flashlight, water, (f/c) jacket, journal, pen and your phone.

You looked at your phone and saw it was at a fine condition. But unfortunately it didn't have any battery so you can't do anything to it. You sighed and kept on walking.

Where am i? Why am i here? How did i get here?

These thoughts came into your mind but was soon interrupted by a voice in coming from the front.

"Howdy! I am flowey. Flowey the flower. Who might you be?" A flower with a smiling face was in front of you. It seemed friendly enough so you answered.

"Well...hello i'm ______" you introduced yourself. He seemed to stare at you for a while. You tilted your head in confusion. "Why are you staring at me?" You asked.

He seemed hesitant but asked. "Why are your eyes covered with your bangs?" He asked. You stared at him becore laughing at his question which made him upset. "What? I was just asking!" He mumbled.

"No i just find it funny." You finally calmed down and answered. "My eyes would sometimes turn from (e/c) into white for some reason so i covered it so that people wouldn't get freaked out by it." He just gave you this blank expression but soon recovered and talked again.

"So that's why....anyways you must be new here am i right?" You answered him with a nod. "Oh you must be so confuse! Well i guess the good old me will do" he continued. Suddenly, you saw light coming from your chest and saw a necklace with the shape of a heart with the colour of (f/c) mixed with white.

"What an interesting colour for a heart..." He obsereved the necklace.


"That heart is your soul, your very own culmination" Flowey explained. "At first your heart starts of weak, but it will get stronger if you gain LV." You held your necklace. Before you could say anything Flowey cut you off. "What's LV? Why love, of course!"

" how will i get this 'love'?" I asked him and saw him winked. You could feel your cheeks tinted with red but ignored it.

"Well, you get love from little white...friendliness pellets." There were white pellets surrounding Flowey.

"Here, i'll share some with you. Go get as much as you can!" The pellets started to move towards you.

"Thank you." You smiled. He seemed to blush but it was gone before you could confirm it.

You stayed on your spot and waited for it to come at you. When it did, instead of feeling power you felt pain all over your body as you fell to the ground. You saw yourself covered in blood with scratches all over your body.

"You idiot." Flowey said and you saw him with a creepy smile. "In this world its killed or be killed!" He laughed like a maniac at you.

You stared as him, panting slightly as you tried to stand up and limped towards him when he was not seeing.

"I never thought you're such a stupid girl..." He sighed in discontempt and turned to you, his pellets surrounding you. You crawled closer to him.

"NOW D- what are you doing?!" He excalimed at you as you petted his petals. His eyes widen in astonishment and kept staring at you as you gently held his petals.

"You...looked need comfort..." You coughed as blood splurted out of your mouth but still smiled as if it didn't bother you at all.

" o-okay..." You mumbled softly as you fell back to the ground. Your eyes started to blur and black dots swarmed your eyes.

"....You're such an idiot." You heard him sighed and saw him left into the ground, disappearing from your sight before you blacked out.


You woke up again on a bed in an unfamiliar room. It was dark but you could still see well. You tried to move and felt the burn of the pain you got from Flowey's attack. You looked around and saw that it was full of toys. It seemed that this used to be a room for kids.

Your nose suddenly smelled something delicious as you moved into a sitting position, making your stomach growled in response. You turned to see the source of the smell.

"Is that cinnamon butterscotch pie?" You asked yourself as you pulled yourself out of the bed and picked up the pie on the floor. You checked to see if it is a trap. luckily, it wasn't and you ate it. It tasted really delicious and you devoured it within seconds. You were that hungry.

You gained the courage to go outside and found that you were in a hallway to what seems like a huge house. You kept walking and heard the sound of fire crackling. You followed the sound and came into the room of what seemed like the living room.

"Oh you're awake already!" You heard a woman's voice. You then saw a monster came out of another room. You move backwards a little bit from seeing her.

A monster?

Is she going to kill me?

"Fear not child, i won't hurt you." She smiled. You sighed in relief as you returned the smile. You looked at her and saw her with the pie that you just ate.

"Thank you for saving me and giving me the pie. It was delicious!" You thanked her. She seemed satisfied with your answer. She explained you that you were in the underworld where monsters live. She founded you lying on the ground when she was on patrol and helped you. She also said you could stay for a while until you wounds healed. While waiting, you were allowed to solve the puzzles in the dungeon.

"Thank you so much! By the way i'm _____. May i know who you are?" You asked her as she finished explaining. She smiled again as she answered you in a comforting voice.

"You can call me Toriel, my child."

A/N: hi this is my first book that i ever made so i'm sorry if it is bad(_ _). I just got inspired by people making their stories so i tried^^. I will improve i promise! Thank you for even reading this! Well..if there is anyone reading it...

P.s. credit to the owner of this drawing. I love it!

Edited: 90%

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