Chapter 11

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A/N: 11 is my lucky number. Yay!...uhh, *cough* i mean...I'm bored so i kinda sketch the costume just in case you guys didn't know what it looks like, enjoy!

Its so bad please forgive meh.../(_ _)\


"So what happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Did you meet anyone other than Alphys?"

"How did you managed to esca-" "woah, woah. Just. Calm. Down" you gestured them to calm down. They stopped and sat on both of your side, Frisk on the left and Sans on the right.

"Okay...firstly, don't interrupt me while i'm telling my stor-" "it's not even a story" Frisk interrupted. You sighed and facepalmed. "Okay...about what happen then," you told them the whole incident and they just nodded every minute.

You didn't tell them about Chara.


"...and there you have it. We're now in this house, safe and sound," you explained. They were in a daze for a while, like they need their brain to proccess everything first.

"Is that why you get that costume?" Sans asked first and you nodded. Then you remembered thay you kept your clothes inside your bag. You searched through your bag but found the clothes torn and had bloodstain on every part of it.

"Its beyond repair..." You sighed and set the clothes down.

"It's okay, you can wear this costume everytime, like Papyrus," Sans chuckled. Frisk smirked and looked at you. You thought of what would happen if you did wear this clothes forever in the underground. Forever.

"But you're still cute no matter what," Sans petted your head, ruffling it. You blushed at the contact.

"I need some new clothes..." You mumbled, shrinking from embarrassment.


"HUMAN, SANS, THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS HOME!" Papyrus shouted barging in on the front door.

"WHAT'S THIS SMELL?" he smelled coming from the kitchen and walked towards it. He saw you cooking your signature dish, omelette.


"Oh hi Pap! Just ignore about the costume...wait in the living room with Sans and Frisk!" You smiled and he walked to the living room.

Sans explained to you that he told Papyrus that you went to a friend's house. He didn't want him to be involved in the matter.

"You're such an overprotective brother, Sans" you muttered and giggled, flipping the egg on the pan.

Sans and Frisk were watching the TV. Its a show of Mettaton doing a variety show. Papyrus joined them and they all watched in silent.

"WHY IS SHE WEARING A COSTUME?" Papyrus asked. Sans and Frisk shrugged and continued watching the TV. Papyrus joined them in the end, not questioning any further.

The TV show ended when you handed them their plate. They immediately chowed the food down like they haven't eaten for ages.

"Be careful, they're hot" you chuckled seeing them and sat on the couch to eat yours.

"So," you started "my clothes are torn so i need a new one. Got any idea where to get some?" They thought about it for awhile. Papyrus came up with an idea first.

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST WEAR THIS COSTUME? IT SUITS YOU WELL" he suggested. You blushed again thinking about your future in the uderground.

"That would be a no" you answered. Frisk this time suggested an idea.

"You could ask the villagers if they had some extra clothes or something," they said. You sighed and took their plates to be washed.

"Oh, I know! Why didn't i think of that before..." You mentally face-palmed of yoir stupidity. You decided to call Sans.

"Yes? What's up, kiddo?" Sans peeked from the doorway. You gestured hime to come, which he did.

"Can i have your clothes?" You asked. He looked at you, then to his jacket, then back to you again.

"Sorry kiddo, i would like to help but my clothes is to big for you to wear," you sighed, knowing this would happen.

"Wait," he started. You looked up in expectation at him. He was astonished for awhile but returned back to normal.

"Maybe we did had some clothes, the old ones that Pap used to wear," he said.

"Yes! That would be enough! Thank you so much Sans!" You hugged him tightly. He stiffened at this but he hugged you back hesitantly.

"Your welcome, kiddo," he smiled leaning his head on your shoulder.

What you both didn't know is that someone is watching, his hands balled into fist.


After awhile of searching through boxes of stuff, you guys did find the one with clothes. Papyrus also helped you guys in the search, but he didn't speak anything so far, which was unusual. Sans said he needed to go somewhere and left the room. Its now just the two of you again.

"Pap, are you okay? You're silent the whole time..." You said to him. He just grunted in respond. Now it's getting weirder.

"Are you sure? You seem...mad about something..." You continued. He kept searching through the box and ignored you. You sighed and stood up from your position and walked towards him slowly.

You heard him sighed "I DON'T KNOW, _______. I JUST FELT WEIRD, LIKE IT MAKES ME A BIT MAD WHEN I SAW SANS," you thought cautiously of choosing the right words.

"Well, a hug from a cat will always make you feel better!" You hugged him, laughing like an idiot. He protested for awhile but returned the hug back.

"THANKS ______, I FEEL MUCH MORE BETTER" he mumbled, letting go of you. "OH YEAH! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAS FOUND YOU A NEW CLOTHES!", he exclaimed, his behaviour became normal again. He took out a (f/c) hoodie, which still seemed new.

"This is perfect! Thank Pap!" You thanked him and left the room, wanting to quickly change from your costume.

"ANYTIME ______..." He smiled and started packing up the boxes again.

A/N: Oh. My god. I have more than 100 people that read this carppy book? That brings me close to tears ;_;. Thank you so much! I was actually running out of ideas. So here is another chapter! Not so much though, i'm sorry!!!

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