Chapter 16

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Hey kiddo,'re you doing?

The underground became boring for me. Without you around, i didn't found anything interesting. I would just slouch around on the couch and do nothing. I am
'bonely' here. Heh.

About the others? Well...

Pap is still trying to search for your existence, even though we all know what happened. He still didn't beleive it.

Alphys kept herself locked inside her lab, saying she will try to reincarnate you. Not that it would work anyway.

About Frisk?

Frisk is...i don't know where they are now. There are no trails of them in the underground. Even Alphys didn't found them from the surveillance camera.

Did they...kill...? Nevermind about that.



...I don't even know why i want to live anymore...


"Mum, she's waking up!" You heard someone excitedly said. You grumbled as you tried to crack your eyes open.

"Don't be too noisy! You'll make her scared," a familiar voice warned the first person. You tried to remember where you had heard it, but came up with no answer.

"Sorry, i'm just so excited! We can do many things! We can-" the first person stopped talking. You finally manage to wake up from your sleep and you saw two monsters in front of you. A kid and a woman which seemed to be his mother.

You felt underneath and saw yourself on a bed, tucked in a blanket with many bandages wrapped around your body, especially on your stomach.

"Ah, you're awake!" The kid said. The mother just gave a heartwarming smile. You immediately felt safe with them.

"Howdy! I'm Asriel, and this is my mom, Toriel!" Asriel said as he held out his hand. You tried to sit up but pain shot around your body and you fell back onto the bed helplessly.

"Be careful my child, your wounds have not healed yet. Let its rest for awhile." Toriel said worriedly as she checked you. You nodded and tried to lay more comfortably.

" i?" You tried to say. Your throat felt dry and it was hard to speak. Toriel seemed to notice it and gave you a glass of water, which you gladly took and drank.

"You were in the royal palace, Asriel found you laying in the garden." Toriel explained, Asriel nodding at every words she said.

"Thank you..." You smiled at them. They smiled back, Asriel grinning, while Toriel gave her comforting smile.

"Hey," you turned your head to Asriel. "What's your name? You never told us since you woke up."



"Chara? That's a nice name!" Asriel complimented. You gave him a 'thank you' as Toriel ushered him away from the room.

"Take a good rest, my child." Toriel tucked you and kissed your forehead. You gave her a thanks and fell asleep on the bed.

This went on for days, until your wounds healed. You still stayed inside the bedroom, as what Toriel asked you to. Asriel played board games with you sometimes and entertained you with the story of his adevntures.


I have always been wanting to say this to you but i guess i'm too late. You're already gone...

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