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Hello! This is another Authors note. Sorry if you guys are hoping if it was another new chapter. But i think i need to tell you this.

First of all, i want to thank you all for the votes and the comments that all the readers had given to me. Don't worry, i read all of them and giggle like an idiot.

But this is the reason why i made another a/n in the first place. Uh, okay. Here we go.

Do you think i should stop writting?

I mean, i really like to write, i do. But its just that...i started to lose my interest on undertale and are out of ideas. I still like undertale! I have like, what, 1000 fanarts in my gallery? It's just that i don't really have any motivation to write it. In the end it felt like i always neglect writting this book.

And also my exams are coming up and i thought it would be much better if i stop writting and study more. So i thought that maybe...it would be better to stop this story?

I'm sorry for telling my nonsense rant.

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