Chapter 5

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PLOT TWIST XD(Sans' pov)

"What should i do? I've never seen Frisk like this..." I paced back and forth in my bedroom. I didn't want Papyrus to find _____ yet so i hid her in my bedroom. She's now sleeping on my bed. It has been 2 days and she has not woken up yet. I held her hand and look at her sleeping face. At least she's not burning anymore...

She's such a beautiful that i think about it this is the first time she's here right?

Suddenly there was a loud bang from the outside following with the shout of Papyrus.

"SANS? I'M HOME!!!" he shouted. I sighed and let go of her hand. I went outside to see him with boxes of bones.

"What's with that box, bro?" I chuckled. I help him lift some of them to his room. He laughed and patted the back of my backbone.

"THIS WILL BE THE MEMORY OF MY FIGHT WITH THE HUMAN!" he boasted. Then it strike me. Why don't i just do that before? They would know what happen to ____!

"And where are they now?" I asked him, trying to not sound eager. He looked at me in confusion but jsut shrugged.

"They say they're going to go to the grillby's" i thanked him and went outside.

Time to go to grillby's

(_____'s pov)

Where am i? I was supposed to be with Sans and then what?...

You walked around the unfamiliar building. You pass through the giant pillars that looms over you. The rays of the sun shone through the window giving enough light for you to see the surroundings.

Everything was a mess. Blood is splattered across the place and a trail of blood leads to a lump of dust. You wanted to scream but no voice came out of your mouth.

'W-who...killed the monster?'

You are then in another unfamiliar place, it was full of golden flowers and a throne in the middle of it. But you did not focused on that. You say two figures in front of you. You recognised one of them as Flowey, but it seemed odd. He had a terrified face looking at the other person. They were holding a knife with blood trickled on it

"P-please don't kill me..." Flowey was almost in tears. They did not listen. They immediately slashed him, over and over again, until there was nothing left of him.

You stood there, struggling to move, but it seemed that you're stuck in the same position, forced to see what happened. The person just stood there, silent. Then they started to chuckle like a maniac and slowly turned towards me. It burn into my head, the creepy smile, the red burning eyes and the blood that splattered on their face.

"Found you _____~"

"____!" You shot your eyes open and saw that you're in another unfamiliar room, most likely a bedroom. You panted from the nightmare and sobbed silently.

"____? What happended? Are you okay?" You heard the familiar voice and saw Flowey, still alive. You cried from relief and hugged him. He blushed from the action and struggled to escape from the hug.

"G-get off-" "y-you're alive..." He stopped struggling and looked at you. It was silent except for your sobbing. Then you felt him hugged you back and told you to calm down. After awhile you calmed down and let go of him, rubbing your eyes.

"Now tell me what happened" he ordered. You hesitated at first but decided to tell him.

"I was in a place in my dream...there are many pillars there. Blood was everywhere and i saw a dust of a monster..." You teared up again but tried to hold it back again. Flowey did not say anything so far so you continued.

"Then it changed to another place. This time it's like a garden full of golden flowers with a throne chair on the middle of it..." You tried to see his expressions but his head was down.

"Then i saw you...with another person...they were holding a knife a-and they just stab you...until you were gone! Then it started to laugh and turn towards my direction...that creepy smile and red eyes..." You warpped yourself with the blanket that kept you warm.

" there anything else that happened after that?" Flowey mumbled but you could still hear it.

"They said that they found me and everything went blank and i woke up to the voice of you calling my name" you answered, shivering from the memories.

Just then, you felt a soft pat on your head. You looked up and saw it was from Flowey vine. He looked away but still rubbed your head softly.

"It's just a bad dream ____...don't worry about it" he blushed. You were shocked but then gently smiled.

"Thanks Flowey..." You said. He just shrugged and went back to the ground, leaving no sign of him in the ground. You sighed and lay back on the bed.


"How long was i out anyway? I did have a fever," you checked your temperature to see it was fine. Your stomach started growling, hungry for food. You stood up and walked to the door. You turned the knob and slowly peeked outside.

"This is a house? Where is Sans anyway?" You asked yourself. After checking that no one is around, you went downstairs to explore the place. Its pretty comfortable, warm house. You then checked the kitchen. You saw the fridge.


You opened the fridge and saw that it was full of frozen spaghetti. You need to heat it up buy it would attract attention so you decided not to. You sighed and close it back. Maybe you can buy something outside?

You were not wearing your jacket so you tried to search for it. You're not going to catch a cold again from the outside. You soon found it next to a dog, sleeping peacefully. You took it and wore it walking outside the house.

"Man its so cold here! How can the underground have snow?" You walked around the town. Everyone seemed nice to you, probably because they don't know what a human looked like.

"Thank you for your purchase!" The lady bunny said. You bought the cinnamon bread and at it. Its delicious and is still warm so you ate it immediately. The lady chuckled, seeing the way you eat.

"You know what, you can have another one" she offered and gave you another one. You stopped munching and looked at her with excited eyes.

"R-really?" You gulped the rest of your precious bread. She laughed and nodded. You started to munch the next one and finished it within seconds.

"Thank you so much!" You bowed and she waved godbye at you as you went back to the house.When you're near the house, you saw a tall figure of a skeleton, standing in front of the house.

"Hello!" You greeted, thinking its just another monster. It looked at you and rubbed his eyes, or more like eyesockets a few times before he said something.

"A-ARE YOU A HUMAN?" you stopped on your track and looked at him. He knows you're a human.

You're going to be so dead.

A/N: here is chapter 5! I tried to make more Flowey x reader but i was thinking on making this Sans x reader too. What should i do????

P.s. credit to the owner of the pixture!

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