Chapter 7

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You and Frisk were fast asleep snuggling to each other when you heard the a loud boon coming from downstairs. You groaned and lifted yourself up, careful not to wake Frisk. It's weird that he didn't even flinch to the loud voice.

How did you end up there anyway?

You went downstairs and saw that the couch is absent of Sans. You then smelled something burning and rushed to the kitchen. There, you saw the place in a mess, and Papyrus cooking something that had turned black.

"HUMAN! I SEE YOU'RE AWAKE ALREADY" he said when he noticed you're there. You stood there, dumbfounded and notice that smoke is rising from the pan.

"Oh my god pap, IT'S BURNING!!!" You quickly turned off the stove. You splashed water at the pan amd it sizzled until there was no mkre smoke. You wiped a sweat and sighed in relief.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENDED?" papyrus asked. You turned to him, smiling and held his hands.

"H-HUMAN?" He stuttered, not knowing what to do. You sighed "I will do the cooking from now on okay? In exchange for letting us stay here." You offered. He tried to deny your offer but you used your last move.


"Please?" You asked him with puppy eyes and held his hands tighter. He blushed and sweated profusely.

"W-WELL I CAN'T SAY NO TO THAT" he sighed "OKAY THEN, IF YOU SAY SO" you jumped excitedly.

We won't need to eat his food at least!


I take back my words...

"Anyways! You can wake Frisk up while i cook for breakfast. Will Sans be here?" You asked. Papyrus nodded. "HE JUST WENT ON A MORNING ERRAND."

"Fair enough," you shrugged and started to cook for breakfast.


"I'm home- is Pap cooking again?" He went to the kitchen and saw you cooking.

"Sans! You've arrived! Just wait in the living roon with the rest of them, i'll be finished soon" Sans nodded and went to sit on the couch next to Frisk and Papyrus.

"At least we get to eat something edible now. Right Frisk?" Sans joked and Frisk nodded excitedly.

"MY FOOD IS NOT THAT BAD!" Papyrus argued and they just laughed. You then entered the living room and handed them their food.

"Bone appetit~" you joked which made Sans and Frisk laughed. Papyrus sighed and ate the food. Continued with Frisk, Sans and lastly you.

"W-WOWIE!!! THIS TASTE DELICIOUS ____!" his eyes sparkled after taking a bite. Frisk nodded and Sans ate his plate quickly.

"What is this anyway?" Sans asked, after finishing it.

"That's what you called as 'omelette' on the surface" you answered and they just went like 'ohh so that's what it is'.


You cleaned up the mess you made and was washing the dishes now. Frisk went on his own adventure and Sans was...well..doing his job? You don't know.

And that leaves you and Papyrus at home. He said he wanted to take a break on capturing human since he already 'captured' two. He still got you on guard, even if Sans had reassured you.

"HUMAN," you yelped and dropped your plate as it broke into pieces. You turned and saw Papyrus. You sighed in relief. He looked at you innocently and tilted his head.

Guess he's not evil after all.


"What is it Pap?"

"YOUR HAND," He pointed to your hand and you saw it was bleeding profusely "ITS BLEEDING."


"_____, YOU NEED TO BE MORE CAREFUL NEXT TIME. WHAT IF SOMETHING WORSE HAPPEN?" Papyrus was wrapping bandages around your hand. You chuckled at this.

"Its just a scratch, nothing more, Pap" He finished wrapping it and tied a knot. You winced when he tied it hard on purpose

"SEE? YOU'RE NOT OKAY AND IT WORRIES ME A LOT. PLEASE BE MORE CAREFUL NEXT TIME, OKAY?" he loosen the knot and started to pack the medical kit back.
You chuckled and glomped him from the back. He stopped his tracks and stiffened but you didn't realise it.

"Thanks Pap, i will try to be more careful next time!" You let go of him and went to get your jacket. You put it on and headed for the front door.

"I'm gonna go for a walk, bye Pap!" You closed the door. Pap stayed on the same spot for awhile before he sighed.

"HUMAN, IT SEEMS THAT YOU HAD CAPTURED MY HEART..." he mumbled, blushing from before.


You walked further into the cave and saw Frisk and Sans on his stand. You approached them and they noticed your appearance.

"Hi _____," Sans greeted and Frisk waved at you. You returned the greet and chatted for awhile.

"So what's deep inside the cave anyway?" You asked them and they looked at you weirdly.

"What? I-i'm just asking..." You argued, embarrased. Sans and Frisk just laughed and ignore your attempt to stop them.

"You can go with Frisk if you want" Sans said and Frisk nodded in agreement after they calmed down.

"Why don't you join?" You asked him and he gestured at the stand.

"Work," he added and you nodded, understanding. You then saw Frisk staring at your bandaged hand.

"I accidentally broke a plate got this," you informed them. Sans then looked at your hand and just noticed it by then. You chuckled and rolled your eyes.

"Ready Frisk?" You reached out your hands on them and they took it. Leading you deep into the cave.

A/N: that's it for chapter 7! I don't much about Papyrus least i tried? Thanks for reading this crappy book!

P.s. Credit to the owner of the drawing!

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