Chapter 14

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"Now where would Frisk be..." You mumbled as you passed the waterfall. You saw trashes from the surface fell down the cliff.

"Humans are still throwing rubbish everywhere..." You sighed and continued walking. You then saw a tall bush blocking the way and something moved in it which made you yelped.

You slowly took out your stick and poked it. You then heard a squeak and it scurried away from your sight. You sighed in relief and continued.

You went inside the bush, hoping it would end but suddenly you heard someone's footstep from the top and you stopped everything that you did. You heard the clunking of metal boots that gets closer and closer.

'Its Undyne!...'

Slowly, yet carefully, you turned your head upwards to see Undyne looking at you. She looked straight into your eyes which made you shivered. She didn't move and just stare at you before moving a step back.

She retreated and disappeared into the dark shadow and you breathe out the air you didn't realised you were holding back.

"Thank goodness..." You sighed in relief.

7 souls


You came up upon a room, you read the sign and it said the 'Wishing room'. There were many shiny crystal on the ceiling, probably made to looked like a star and echo flowers were planted in the room.

"So this is an echo flower..." You mumbled, inspecting it closely. The flower glows dimly in blue and you could hear it wishpered something.

"So this is the echo flower..." It repeated over and over again. You moved back, wanting to stay on path when you got an idea. You bent over and whispered to the flower.

"Thanks for everything," You whispered. The flower said the same thing, over and over again. You smiled and left the flower alone.

1 soul


"Why is there a piano out of nowhere?" You asked yourself as you see an old piano inside a cave. You saw the sign and read the instructions of it.

"Oh, i see! But what song?" You couldn't think of any song and gave up, leaving the room. You were on the intersection when you heard the sound of water dripping somewhere.

Following your instinct, you found a statue that was almost broken. Droplets of rain hit the statue from above. You continued walking and found many umbrellas with a sign. You took one of them and returned back.

For some reason, you don't even know why, everything that happended had ever happened. You know what needed to be done and what is not supposed to be done.

It felt...familiar.

"There!" You put the umbrella on top of the statue. A soft melody started to play from the statue. A melody that was nice. A melody...

"...that is haunting" you mumbled in response. "That's it!" You went back to the piano and played the tune. It could still be heard and you memorised it anyway. The wall of the cave suddenly crumbled into an opening.

"What's this?" You looked at the treasure. "Maybe i will take it..." You looked inside your bag to see a dog in it.

"Wha-" the dog leaped from your bag and ran towards the treasure. You didn't know what happened next but it seemed like it was absorbed and the dog went pass through...the wall.

It left a dog residue, you didn't know how you got the name, and you took it. It seemed expensive after all.

"Now then let's get going!" You fist pumped the air and started walking again, a bit of hopping here and there.

1 odd soul


"It gets lonely witgout the others..." You kicked a pebblestone and it went into the river, causing ripples that grew large anf larger.

"And i need to past this swamp of dump?!" You complained folding your pants and entered the flooded path. The path had mountains of dump, bicycle, CD of anime, you name it all.

"Is that an exit?" You saw an opening and went there. You saw Blooky doing something and went over there.

"Hi Blooky!" You waved your hand. Blooky flinched and turned around. He blushed and went over to you.

"U-uh hi ______..." He smiled akwardly. You tried to hug him but he went past through you.

"Oh yeah, i forgot you're a ghost," you giggled. Blooky laughed and blushed a little.
He then invited you to his house, which you accepted and walked further.

The house was simple, dusty and old, you noted. He went over to the computer and wore his headphone. How did her even do that?

"So what do you do during this time?" You asked him. He thought of it and gestured you to come, which you obliged.

"I-i would lay down on the floor, fell like nothing..." He laid on the floor. "W-would you like to join?" He looked at the empty space next to him.

"Sure," you joined him. You guys stayed for a while, staring at the ceiling, not saying anything. But you felt comfortable, probably Blooky too. The surrounding started to change into galaxy.

"Wow..." You gaped in awe. You smiled and kept watching it. Blooky only chuckled and stared at the universe around both of you.

You took a deep breath and closed you eyes. This could clear your mind for awhile, it helped to concentrate on your current proble-.

You're not supposed to be here, ______.

Your eyes widen and you jolted up from your position. Blooky looked at you confused and worry in his eyes.

"A-are you okay?" He stuttered. You nodded, and gave a fake smile.

"I'm okay."

1 odd soul isn't supposed to be here.


"Welcome!" The old turtle said in a croaky voice. "How can i help you?"

"Um, if you didn't mind, have you seen a kid?" You asked. "He wore a stripped shirt." You added.

The old turtle thought for awhile. "A kid in stripped shirt?" He asked and you nodded. "Well! He came here and bought my stuff just now!" The turtle roared with laughter.

"Really?!" Your eyes gelamed in excitement. "Which way did he go?" You asked.

"I think he went to the left," he pointed to the path in front of you. You nodded and gave him a quick thanks.

"Wait!" You turned your hand and went back to him. "You can have this," he handed you a box written with a writting 'sea tea'.

"No, you-" "just take it, for a young lady like you who managed to go this far," he said "think of it as a reward." He held your hand and placed the box on your hand.

"...thanks sir!" You smiled and started to run on the path that he showed you. The turtle laughed and sighed.

"Be careful out there!" He shouted. You gave a thumbs up and turned on the corner.

You're not supposed to be here, _____.

A/N: Remind me of how long i haven't updated? I. Am. So. Sorry! I ran out of ideas and it took awhile to get one. And sorry if the map is not right, i don't remember it very clearly. I will try to update more!
(_ _).

P.s credit to the owner of the drawing!

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