Chapter 30

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Sans went to the bushes as he ran, ignoring the twigs and the leaves that scrathes and tore some of his jacket. He ran out of the dark place as he was now in front of the lab.

"Alphys?!" Sans yelled, barging inside to the room where you were supposed to be in. The room was kind of dark but he could slightly see Alphys there, her face was pale, holding a piece of paper with her shaky hand.

"S-sans!" Alphys looked at him, her eyes were tearing up. Sans then heard something rustling behind and noticed that Flowey was also there, wearing no expression at all, even at the presence of Sans.

"What's going on?! What do you mean by _______ is gone?!" Sans asked desperately, holding her shoulder thightly, slightly shaking her.

"I-i...she was just g-gone! Not even my camera didn't caught her escaping...a-and she only left t-this." Alphys explained, handing him the small note. Sans took it without a hesitation and read it carefully.

Don't look for me.

"It's her handwritting..." Sans mumbled. He looked at Flowey, who still didn't move and walked towards him, shoving the paper at him.

"Got any idea pal-"

"It's my fault..." Flowey interrupted. "I'm really careless...i can't even protect her...even in the safest place..." he mumbled. Sans looked at him confusely before trying to ask again.

"What do you me-"

"SHE WAS JUST BESIDE ME! WHY DO I HAVE TO TURN AWAY FOR A SPLIT SECOND?! It's my fault and..i-i don't even realise..." Flowey faced to the ground, like a wilted flower, sounding like he was about to break.

Alphys and Sans could only stand there and watch, pitying him. 'It wasn't true!' they wanted to say, but they were silent. Alphys was about to comfort him but stopped as her eyes widen, her hands that were still lifted up freezes.

Droplets of tears fell to the ground. Flowey sniffled a cry.

"I did this all...i AM a bad person..." Flowey's voice waver. "If...just i-"

"Is this all you will do?" Sans interrupted. Alphys whispered him name in objection but Sans glared at her, his eyes slightly changing blue.


"So you will just mop here? Not even wanting to pay her back?" Sans asked, walking slowly towards him. Flowey stayed silent until Sans stepped his last footstep, standing in front of his small form, blocking the lights coming from the hallway.


"Let's go." Sans reached out his hands at him. Flowey turned as he looked at Sans, his eyes widening in suprise. Tears was still present on his eyes before he wiped it away and used his vines to crawl onto Sans' arm.

"I-i will also call Mettaton to help in the search!" Alphys stuttered and left the room, scattering away.

"Don't get me wrong, smiley trashbag." Flowey tried to tell Sans. Sans could only chuckle.


I hope you're watching this Paps...i will save her.


"I am _____. Just a normal girl that was born into a family with a decent live. I'm not bullied, i don't have a depressed life, my parents loved me..."

"Who are your parents?"


"My dad is an handsome guy, cheerful and is an energetic person. I'm glad he is my dad."

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