Chapter 2

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A/N: here's chapter 2 hope you like it!

You stayed in the dungeon until you healed while Toriel thaught you about lots of stuff like giving mercy to monsters and how to solve puzzles. But you always see her with a sad face when she was teaching you. You did not want to pry any further and ignored it.

You were walking in the dungeon. You already memorised the layout of the place so Toriel let you go as you please. You were taking a stroll when you see something white on the floor, lying down. You walked to the place and saw a ghost lying down. You tried to greet him but when he saw you he immediately jumped back.

"I-i'm so sorry! Please don't h-hurt me..." He was crying by then. You just stare at him flabbergasted. I mean who wouldn't feel shocked when someone just cried because you approached them?


"It's okay. I won't hurt you. I was just going here to say hi to you" you patted him. He looks up at you as if you were something else.

"R-really?" He asked. You nodded and smiled at him. He sighed in relief and introduced himself as Napstablook. You guys sat there and talked about many things until you realised that Toriel must be worried about you. You stood up and explained him that you need to go home.

"Oh...okay, i guess see you again?" He seemed disappointed. "Of course we will! Bye!" You answered and ran back to the house.

"She is such a nice girl...
w-what am i thinking! I would have no chance..." Napstablook mumbled when you're gone.


You were washing the dishes with Toriel in the kitchen. She seemed to be thinking something...what is it?

"Toriel?" You asked, snapping her out of her daydream. She looked at you in confusion. "What is it, my child?" She asked and began wiping the dishes again.

"How can i get out of this place?" Toriel stopped her action and sighed. She put down her plate and looked at you. She placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Why do you want to leave?" She asked in a desperating tone. You don't utter anything. You couldn't answer with her like that.

"I have something to do. Wait here." She put the plate down and left the kitchen. You followed her as she went downstairs. You never explored downstairs since Toriel never allowed you, until now.

"Every human that falls here always meets the same fate" she told you without turning her back. "They come. They leave. They die." You guys reached what seemed to be like a gate of door. "They... Asgore...will kill you" you build up your courage to talk to her.

"But-" "You will never understand! I have let Frisk go but i can't let you! I'm protecting you!" She shouted and you saw her shoulder shaking

"You want to leave so badly? You're just like the others, like Frisk." She turned to you and you saw tears streaking down her face. "There's only one way for you to pass this place. Fight me!" Your chest started shining and the necklace appeared. There was also four box with writings in front of you.


"N-no...Toriel i don't want to fight you!" You shouted attempting to stop her but she didn't and started attacking you. You tried to avoid the fireballs but got scratched on the shoulder with some of them. You winced and held your shoulder tightly. Toriel kept attacking you and soon you were covered in stracthes and burns from the fire.

"Attack or run away!" She stared to attack you but the fireballs did not target you at all. You were gasping but still tried to press the button.


"Wha-" " Toriel...listen to me. I know you don't want me to leave...but i have to! I still have so much to" You were out of power and you felt you legs wobbling from pain.






"Toriel...please..." You pleaded. You heard a chuckle and looked up to saw her smiling at herself, but it was a forced smile.

"Pitiful isn't it?...I can't even save another're just the same like Frisk." She chuckled "i guess its time. Besides you would get bored once you stay here after a while."

"S-so i can leave?" You asked and she nodded glumly. You smiled at her and hugged her despite the pain you're having. "Thank you so much for" She seemed shock but still smiled and hugged you back.

"I want you to make a promise to me though." She looked at you "you must not return to this place." You pulled away and stare at her considering it and nodded hesitantly. She embraced you again for the last time and stood up then left the place. Before she turned the corner you called out for her. She stopped in her track but did not turn. You knew she was listening

"Thank you...and..goodbye" she didn't move but started walking and was out of sight. You sighed and let a tear slipped out your eyes. You wiped it and stood up reaching for the door which led to a long hallway.

After you tried to walk a few steps you then realised how bad your condition was now, limping and blood splattered on you clothes. You needed to hold your hand at the wall as a support as you limped. You did this until you reached the end of the hallway which lead to a dark place. Looking to the front you saw Flowey like the time you first met him.

You slowly walked to him and smiled when he saw you. He looked at you, a little annoyed until he saw your injuries. You finally reached the grass and fell on the ground, next to Flowey. He seemed to panicked and you heard him trying to say something but you couldn't hear clearly. You chuckled at this which made him shouted at you. After focusing your eyes on him and saw his expression filled with anger, a glint of worry plastered on his eyes. You reached out as you touched his petals again but he ignored it and kept saying things. You could only make out some of them.

"You're such an idiot!"

"You didn't fight back!"

"Why didn't you just kill her?" You just looked up at him and smiled. "H-hi Flowey...fancy seeing you here.." You tried chuckling but it sounded more like coughing which made him even more worried.

"You know what?! Fine!!! Stay here while i get you something!" He then disappeared out of your sight. You looked up at the sky and saw the light coming from the surface.

"You're such a nice flower..." You mumbled before you fell unconcious.

A/N: that's it for Chapter 2! I want to make the character to be weak and not that strong since she can't heal like Frisk. Doesn't that make it interesting? Anyways i was planning on making all the boys character to *cough*like*cough* you. What do you guys think?

P.S. Credit to me for the art!

Updated: 24 May 2016. Okay...lots of typos ._.

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