Chapter 18

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My name is XXXX. I have always wanted to meet you this whole time.

Oh, did i phrase it wrong? I mean not _____. The real you. The one that is standing in this world. The one that sees the suffer of others.

I won't have much time left, the timeline is probably resetting by now, not complete yet though. So i would probably used this time to know more about you.

...but well,

You sure had fun on suffering her.

She never even had a happy ending. How sad, isn't it? They were played like toys that could be fixed and destroyed many times.

It's interesting, in fact, i have to agree. We wouldn't need to feel the pain. All that we just need is to sit back and read the plot.

She would have died countless times if she didn't have her powers. And we would just need to make another timeline with different routes.

The author did it, try it out yourself. Even what i am now is because of them...

What is her power? haven't realised it yet? I won't tell you. You need to find it out yourself...

...Maybe a clue won't hurt.

It's related to time. Figure it out. By now you probably should have figured it out judging by how you had read the story. The whole journey of her that would be erased from her mind but still in ours.

But i think it would be different with the others, if you know who i meant.

All of this things that i am saying right now, they wouldn't even know it. So you have my gratitude.

Oh, it's starting again. The reset is complete. My time is up, i guess. It's a pleasure to meet you in such a short time. Have a great time in this timeline.


I wonder what would this timeline be like...


You woke up lying on a bed of golden flowers. You don't even remember being here in the first place. You sat up and your head immediately burst into pain. You winced and held your head until until was gone. Once it was you stood up and walked into the only path around there. You looked through your bag and saw what you had. Flashlight, water, (f/c) jacket, journal, pen, a pocket knife, and your phone.

Where am i?

How did i get here?

...who am i?

The last question made you stopped your tracks. You tried to think of who you are but... can't remember anything. Nothing comes to your mind that would be familiar to you.


"! Chara, is that you?" You sighed in relief. At least you now remembered something.

Thank goodness you're okay! I was really worried when you tripped and fall...

Chara, your own imaginary friend inside your mind, until you found out that she was real but only you could see her. That was when you were on the surface which you didn't have any remembarance after that.

"Sorry," you rubbed the back of your neck. "By the way, how did i even get here in the first place?"

I...don't have any ideas.

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