Chapter 31

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You looked at them, both of their faces were astonished from seeing you. You smiled at them, your white dress that was just above the knee slightly swaying.

"_______..." Sans mumbled. He really wanted to take a step, to hug you, to feel relief that everything will be okay, but something stopped him. He couldn't move his legs. It seemed that Flowey wasn't able to move either, as if they were binded. Both their eyes met, understanding the situation as they looked back to you. They saw you smiling before you started to speak up.

"It's been awhile since we talk in..." you trailed, searching for the right word, before you continued "...kind of a peaceful situation, huh?" You chuckled, but they were both silent.


"I-i mean yeah, just look at me now!" You swirled around and a circle of wind appeared around you. "I've changed in many ways." You forced a smile as you scratched your cheek.


"Everything...has...changed." You mumbled, your head hung low. "And this all happened...because" your words lingered with sadness. Both of them decided to be silent and let you continue.

"You see...i'm actually not a human. Well, you can see it already." You chuckled, pulling back the strands of your hair and showed your pointy ears.

"You're a monster?" Sans aksed, his voice was out of breathe, like a whisper. You shook your head.

"I'm not a monster," you lifted your hands up to your neck and pulled out the necklace with the heart locket, (f/c) mixed with white.

"But i'm not a human too, apparently." You caressed the metalic object that is mysteriously warm, looking at it. "So i can't stay here. I'm not supposed to be here." Your voice cracked, trying to forced out a smile.

"I'm not supposed to live..." a single tear fell down your cheek. Sans looked at you, astonished, as he tried to reach out his hands towards you but to no avail.

"That's when he came." I wiped my tears. Black fog started to swirl around you. "He helped me and told me the only choice i had left." The fog went and circled around your heart. Flowey sensed 'his' presence as he growled inwardly.

"Who?" Sans asked. No, it couldn't be who he was thinking right now, he's been long gone. Sans shook his head, this is too much for his twisted brain, his legs were shaky.

"Greetings." The fog took a form into a figure, similar to Sans, a skeleton. His face had a scar that reached his eyes, his mouth forming a smile. He stood behind you as he held both your shoulders.

"Gaster..." Flowey looked shocked that he was still alive. This would've been called as a miracle if the monsters heard of this.

"It's been a while." Gaster spoke out. "But at last i could meet you both again,"

"Sans, Asriel." He gives a creepy yet symphatetic smile.

"Don't you ever call me by that name again." Flowey hissed, his body in a stance to fight.

Sans was still in shock. After all this time he tried, Gaster was finally in front of him. But this is not how he wanted them to meet. To see him about to take you away. This frustrated him and made him mad.

"As you may know by now, _______ is the kind like us." Gaster explained. "But through many accidents, she was placed in the wrong world."

"So i need to stay in the void." You spoke out, receiving the attention from both of the confused monster. "That's supposed to be where i was. I should never meet you guys in the first place."

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