Chapter 20

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"So...what you're trying to say is..." You took a deep breathe. "This place is full of monsters that wanted to kill humans, and i'm the last soul needed for them to open the barrier between the surface and the underground so they could take a revenge for the humans killing their children." You blurted out.

"Y-yeah...i supposed so..." Napstablook muttered softly, taking a glance at you. You stood up abruptly, which caused him to flinch.


"Sorry, Napstablook! I just remembered i need to do something," you closed your eyes and smiled at him. "Thanks for telling me, its a great help."

"N-no problem..." Napstablook blushed as he smiled back at you. You turned around before you start dashing through the dungeon.

"Bye, Blooky!" You ran as you waved at him. He waved back at you, slightly blushing from the nickname you gave him until you were out of sight.

"I hope she would be okay..." Napstablook sighed before returning to lay down again.

You slowed down into a walking pace once you were sure he was out of sight. You reached upon an unfamiliar room, vacant and dark, with bits of light from the cracks of the surface.

"...hey, Chara?" You decided to break the silence.

Yes, ___?

"Everything he said is true, isn't it?" You asked. "Then that means every monster is trying to kill me, right?"

Uh...yes if you put it that way...

"Then i need to kill them before they did, right? That's what it was supposed to be! I can't belief i trusted that Toriel..."

Heh...told you so. Look, you're even smiling now.

You moved your hand up to your face. Indeed, your mouth was curling up into a smile. Your eyes had turned into pale white, glowing in the dark and vacant room. You smirked, before you pulled out your knife from your bag.




"Tori, i'm home~" you sang in a sing-tone, slowly opening the door. The door creaked, echoing around the house.

"She's not home yet?" You pouted. The house was empty, with no sign of Toriel's return.

It's okay, _____. We could check downstairs now that she's not here yet.

"Sounds like a plan, there could probably be another human who got kidnapped like me!" You chuckled and started to head downstairs.

When you reached the last step, all that you could see was a long hallway with no endings to it. You tiptoed yourself along the way, careful not to alert anyone or activate any traps. You gripped your pocket knife tightly on your hand.

"Promise me..." You heard the someone said echoing around the silent room. You halted your tracks, familiar with that voice.


"Promise me that if you ever met a human child..." Her voice wavered with desperation. "Please...take care of her..."

A pang of guilt striked your heart. You then heard another voice, a male one, though it was muffled. You didn't want to hear any more of it and left the place immediately.

"I can't belief i wanted to kill her..."


"_____? I'm home!" Toriel called out in the house. You went out of your room, smiling as you went and hugged her.

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