Chapter 12

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I'm sorry i don't write anything for days•×•"! I was busy all the time so i'm sorry! Here is Chapter 12!

"Its so cold here in Snowdin..." You rubbed your hand together from coldness. You were exploring, again. You weren't traumatized at all, instead you wanted to befriend Undyne too.

Weird huh?

But you were really bored, staying in the house all the time. And nobody was home either. So you took the risk and went for a stroll.

"Psst!!!" You heard someone said. You tried to search for the source of the voice but found nobody. You shruged, thinking it was just a hallucination and continued walking.

"Oh my god ______!" You turned to see Flowey peeking out from the bush "over here," he wisphered and gestured you to come.

"Hi Flo-" "shhh!!! Don't be so loud!" He wisphered shouted at you. You looked around to see nobody and sat next to Flowey.

"Why do we need to wispher? Nobody forbids us to talk normally right?" You asked him. He sighed and thought for a good reason.

"Uh...let's just say i don't want someone to hear us..." Flowey answered avoiding to make eye contact with you.

"Who?" You asked again, curious as to who they are. Flowey shook his head, "there's no way i'm going to tell you ,idiot."

"Aw...please?" You poked his petal. Flowey swatted your arms away with his hands, or you could say leaf. It didn't make you budge even an inch as you continued.

"_____," he started. You kept poking him.

"_____ stop," you started to pet his petals and giggled.

"______ you know i'm not going to tell you!" He blushed and crossed his arms, or leaf. Whatever you call it.

"Wait, that's not why i'm here!" He turned to look at you. You just tilted your head in confusion.

"I know this is weird but answer honestly to me," he sounded so serious. You nodded at him, letting him continue.

"'re a human, right?" He asked you.

"Y-" you stopped. You tried to say again but nothing came out. Its like something tried to stop you. You remebered what Chara said.

You're interesting. So i brought you here~


"Y-yes" you ignored your weird feelings and answered. Flowey looked at you for awhile, but shrugged in the end.

"That's it?" You asked and he nodded. "Wow, what a weird question you had there" you let out the breath that you didn't know you were holding back and chuckled.

Flowey then said he needed to go before that 'someone' noticed he was there. You waved goodbye and him.

"Thanks for the answer," he said. You giggled and petted his petals as usual. "Anytime Flowey~" he dug into the snow and disappeared like he was never there from the start.

You stood up from that place and stretched your body. You started to walk to the house again. You thought about Flowey's question

You're a human, right?

"Of course i am..." You looked up into the sky. It was dark, as it was everyday. There was nothing to accompany the dark, just a lonely black colour. You sighed as you stare at it.



"_____? Do you wanna hang out at Grillbys'?" Sans asked you. You were watching the TV, and was bored so you took the offer.

"Here," he grabbed your hand "i know a shortcut, just hold my hands tight 'kay, kiddo?" He smiled. You nodded and returned the smile as well. Sans opened the front door and went out first.

You didn't know what happened, but after you blinked once, just ONCE, you were standing in front of Grillbys'. Your eyes widen and you looked at Sans. Then back to the restaurant. And then Sans again.

"Wha- but how?!" He chuckled, seeing your reaction and pushed the door into the restaurant.

Upon opening the door, the gush of warm air strikes you and you felt immediately comfortable. The door made a jingling sound and everyone turned to the direction of it to see both you and Sans.

"Hi Sans! Hi _____!" They greeted you both. Sans sat on the chair, and you sat on the next one.

(Insert another fart noises here) didja forget this XD?

"Whoops, you better be careful, someone has been putting whoopie cushion everywhere," you shot a galre at Sans and he laughed.

"Burger or fries?" He asked.

"Anything is fine," you answered "i like both." He chuckled and ordered two burgers. Grillbz wrote it down on a pad then went into the kitchen.

"So...uh, hey" he scratched the back of his head "how's everyday? . You just shrugged and took a bite of the burger.

" it's great. I love it here," Sans offered you ketchup. You didn't want it so he dranks the whole bottle of ketchup.

"By the way," you started "where's Frisk? I haven't seen him in a while," Sans choked on his food and gulped it down quickly.

"Uh...well..." "Well what?" You asked him. You looked at him straight in the eyesockets, staring at his dilated white pupils.

"Frisk went ahead," he sighed. Your eyes widen at this as you slammed the table.

"They what?!" Everything was silent. You could even here the sound of a pin dropping. Turns out that it was just your imagination. Everyone was looking at you so you sat down again, not wanting to see how they reacted.

(Insert fart noises)

"Sorry..." You mumbled in embarrassment. Sans nervously chuckled as you gave him a death stare.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" You wisphered shouted at him. He shook his head "Frisk told me not to tell you. Don't know why though."

You sighed. You continued to ate the burger in silence as Sans stared at you. As you finished it, Sans seemed like he wanted to asked something.

"'re not planning to go either right?" Sans sound deppressed. You flinched and slowly turned to him.

You nodded.

You're filled with determination

"Hah...listen kid," he started "i won't stop you..." Your surrounding suddenly freezes it stopped "but why bother?" He asked.

"Why did you even fell down here in the first place?"

"I..." You didn't continue your sentence. You don't remember anything after all.

Could the you that had memories on the suface...?

Sans waved his hands in front of your face "kiddo? You okay there?" He asked in a worried tone. You shook your head. You suddenly felt nausea and dizzy.

"Kiddo?" You heard his voice when you turned around you see no Sans. Instead, you see Chara, like they had been there the whole time.

"Greeting _____~" they said in a singing tone.

A/N: i'm so ,so, so, sorry that i haven't uploaded all this time!!! I did made it already...but it's not saved so i had to do it all over again...but here it is! I hope you enjoy it!!!

P.s. credit to the owner of the drawing!


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