Chapter 29

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(______'s pov)

"It hurts..."

You heard a loud pang, your ears vibrating as your face tunred sideways, your cheeks beet red.

"Huh? No response?" _______ tilted her head in confusion. Chara stood on the back, leaning against the old wooden wall. Their arms were crossed as they watched the whole thing happening, expressionless.


The tears stung as it went down your cheeks, getting into the cuts you received.

"Its getting boring so give some response ________!" ________ smiled maniaclly she grabbed your hair and pulled it hardly, lifting you head up.


Chara tightened their gripped on their clothes as they clenched their fist into a ball.

"Hey." Chara called out, gaining _______'s attention as she turned back to her, still gripping on your hair. "She must've passed out. You can do it later once she woke up again." _______ stared at Chara and then back at you as she stared back at them again.

"Hm...sounds like a plan." _______ sighed as she let go of you. She went to the toilet, probably to clean the blood off. Chara unconsiously sighed in relief after she was out of sight.


Who said i was helping you? I just got bored seeing you get tortured. That's all.

You could only smiled a little as you sniffled a cry, your head facing down, the bangs covering your face.


You woke up again. Dark was all that you could see, making you confused, until you felt the fabric tied around your head, realising your eyes were blindfolded.

"How long...was i out?"

You didn't move just in case they were around. After confirming they're not in the room, you tried to use your power but unfortunately they're not around in this times as if...

They're gone...

You shrugged it off and tried to feel the pains that they had inflicted on you. You silently winced when you tried to move even an inch.

"Great...broken bones..."

You sighed, tears started froming in your eyes.

"I just wanted to go home..."

The bandage was wet as you couldn't stop your tears.

"Why must this happen?"

Your fragile form was shaking ever-so-slighty as you silently cried. You couldn't even sniffed since it would hurt if you moved.

"I just be normal..."

A sudden loud bang from the back of you could be heard as footsteps of people running towards you, breathing heavily.

"______!!!" Sans shouted as you heard a thump in front of you. You felt a hand on the back of your head, trying to loose the knot of the fabric that had blindfolded you.


"Just hold on for a longer!" You could hear Flowey's voice as well. They both sounded desperate. You wondered why.

Light suddenly came into your eyes again as you squinted before adjusting to it for some time, realising that they're now trying to cut the rope that attached you to the chair.

"Sans...Flo..wey..." you spoke out softly, your voice was hoarse and dry. It felt weird to call their names now.

The rope fell onto the ground and your body suddenly felt light , as if the weight on it has been released.

You fell to the front, having no more power to move as Sans holds on you just in time before you hit the floor.

"Everything is okay now, ______." Sans smiled at you in relief and desperate as he took off his jacket and placed it above you before he gently lifted you up on his arms.

"But what about Chara and...______?"

Flowey looked at you, suprised. Even after all you did you still cared for them? He sighed inwardly at this.

"We'll take that matter later." Flowey told you. "For now we you can take a rest, they won't come." Sans walked towards the door. You closed your eyes and slowly nodded. He kicked the door open and walked into what you could barely made out as Alphys lab.

Your mind started to get cloudy and you couldn't stay concious for long, only hearing muffled voices speaking.


You closed your eyes. That was the only voice that you could hear. The blood of yours that dripped down into the clean floor, dirtying it. You silently slipped away from conciousness into passed out from loss of blood.


"Good day! I heard you're saved. I was really glad about it."

"...Are you crying?"

"It hurts didn't it? I'm sorry i can't help you...i just didnt have any power to..."

"Please hang on for a little longer okay...?"

"...come to me once you wake up, ________."

"T s il e h la t mel e..."


Sans layed on the sofa, his face was frowning, tired from not sleeping for days. The only source of light is the TV screen that showed nothing, pure white, as he stared at it for a long time.

The room, no, the whole Snowdin was quiet and peaceful. Except the fact that everyone was gone, leaving ashes that would be buried with the falling snow soon.

The phone suddenly rang, disturbing the silence in the room as Sans picked it up from the floor.

"S-sans this is important!!!" Alphys shouted, through the phone. Sans cringed as he pulled the phone away.

"What's up Alphys?" Sans spoke out, his voice is hoarse. He sat up and turned off the TV.

"S-she's gone! The p-place i took h-her a-and..." Alphys mumbled incoherent words as Sans lazily stared at the wall. Everything was still fuzzy these past days. But at the mention of 'her' Sans became alert.

"What are you talking about? Her?" Sans asked, his voice became serious, urging Alphys to answer his question. Alphys took a deep breath before she spoke only one word that made Sans sprinted off the house to the Hotland.


(A/N): I DID IT AS PROMISE GUYS XD and also thank you for 20k readers ;7;

Now i can just take a res- *Homeworks and projects fell from the top*



P.S. Credits to me for the art!

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