Chapter 3

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Your body felt pain as soon as you woke up. Again. Lifting up your hand, you saw that it was neatly bandaged. you lift yourself up and realised that your wound were already bandaged. You tried to search for flowey but he was nowhere in sight. You silently thanked him and sat up from the grass.

How long am i out?

You stood up and tried to stomp your foot. It hurt a little but you could bare with it. You sighed and continued your journey. You slightly limped and went into the gate in front of you. You pushed the door and light blinded your eyes and a gust of cold wind hit your face. Once the light is gone the first thing that you saw was the snow.

Everything is white, and you started shivering from coldness. You took out your hoodie in your bag and wore it. Its still cold and you could feel the pain going numb from it. At least the cold helped you from feeling pain. You started journey into the land while shivering from coldness and watching the beautiful scenery when you could.

After a while, you saw a branch from the tree in rhe middle of the road. It was broken in half, on closer inspection, as if someone stepped on it easily and broke even though it was tough. You shuddered from the thought of a monster that would be big roaming in the forest.

"I hope i don't meet will end up in a mess" You mumbled and pulled your hoodie up to cover yourself. Just then, you felt as if someone is watching, every steps you did. You turned around but saw nothing. You walked again, being cautious to your surroundings this time.

As you walked you slowly became paranoid, the sound in the bushes, the shadow of something following you, and in addition that you're now getting light headed. How lovely.

You then reached a bridge with some kind of a gate thingy. Maybe this was supposed to stop people but the bar is still wide enought for you to past. Just when you wanted to stepped in the bridge, you heard a voice coming from your back.

"Human" a deep voice said. You did not dare to turn back. You were standing rooted to the ground "Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" You're now sweating bullets.


"Turn around and shake my hand" the voice commanded. You slowly turned around with your eyes shut, shakily reached out your hand at him. He took your hand and pressed it firmly to you. You felt something...squishy?

*insert fart noises here*

You were terrified but laughed at hearing this. You took a peek at the guy in front of you and saw that it's a skeleton. I repeat, a skeleton. The thing that supports you to move. Its alive.

"Welp, the old whoopie cushion trick works again i guess. Why are you back there kiddo?" He asked you as you bumped to one of the bars, holding the toy knife Toriel gave you. Its not harmful since its made of plastic.

"I-i won't hesitate to h-hurt you!..." You stuttered, earning a chuckle from the skeleton. You failed miserably at threatening him. Boy was that embarassing.

"Relax, kiddo. I won't bite" he looked at you and you slowly put your toy knife away. "You're a human right?" He asked you. You hesitated but nodded anyway. "I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton. And you are..." "_____, nice to meet you."

"You're not the only human here right now. There's also Frisk. Probably solving puzzles with Papyrus."

-Meanwhile on the other side-

"HUMAN, HAVE YOU SEEN SANS?" Papyrus asked Frisk and they shooked their head.


-Back to you and Sans-

"I was actually on duty to search for a human" you were sitting with him below the tree eating the pie you got from Toriel. It still tasted great. "But hey, he already got one to capture and besides i don't really care to capture a human." He smiled at you and you smiled back. It was silent, but comforting.

"I'm sorry." You started. He looked at you in confusion "Why?" You took a deep breathe and exhale it, to your hand, trying to warm them.

"Well...i did try to threaten you and was scared of you." He chuckled remembering it. You rolled your eyes and lightly punched him " it was your fault that you made me scared! You stalked everything tthat i did!" He just laughed even more at this.

"Anyway where was i? Oh yeah. But then i realised, you were actually just a nice person and you didn't mean any harm so...i'm sorry" you took a glance at him and saw that his face was tinted in blue.

"Oh...that's okay kiddo, they also did the same everytime they met me" he smiled. You looked at him in confusion as to who they are but ignored it. After a while you stretched your hands and stood up.

"Anyways, i better get going now, bye Sans" you coughed and started walking. You heard footsteps behind you and your arms was caught by his hands.

"Wait! I mean uh hey, i want to ask you something." You stopped and turned to him. "What is it Sans?"

"Well, i know it may sound stupid...but is it actually normal that your face is red?" You just stared at him and tilted your head. Sans inches closer. You then felt his cold hands gently touching your forehead that made you feel really better. You tried to leaned on his hand to get more of it but that didn't last lost as he jerked his hand away.

"And you're burning! Are you okay?!" He looked at you with worried expression. You touched your forehead and felt your body temperature. It was indeed burning from heat. Probably because of the wounds you receive fighting with Toriel.

Lesson of the day: Don't walk into the snow when you're injured. You will catch a cold.

You nodded and saw him a little relief but nontheless, still worried "Are you sure you're okay? Since i never actually saw Frisk in a condition like that so i find it odd." He stood there waiting for your response.

"Oh this? I will be fine! It won't hurt me" you made a hero pose at him. He looked like he did not trust your words but let it slide. "If you say so kiddo" He smiled at you and walked to the other direction. Once he was gone you sighed and touched your forehead again.

"No wonder i felt dizzy..." You started walking again on your journey.

A/N: hello, white_hatter here! This is chapter 3. You can see it actually but whatever. You met sans. Hooray! I tried to make puns and failed. I just can't think of any. Can anyone just tell me how? God i hope no one read it...

P.S. credit to the owner of the drawings!

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