Chapter 9

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(Frisk's pov)

I ran quickly out of the cave. My leg ached each step i made. I must have sprained it. But _____...i need to save her!

I finally reached the end of the waterfall cave and saw Sans, sleeping at his stand. I ran towards the stand and shook him in hurry. He soon woke up in confusion seeing my state but i did not care anout it. _____ is in danger.

"What h-" " _____'s in danger!" I intrrrupted him. His eyed goes blue for a second but disappeared.

"Why?!" He asked and i face-palmed. I dragged him out of the stand.

"I will explain it later! But now we need to save her!!!" Sans nodded and i told him the location. He held my hand and teleported us to the place. I felt dizzy my feet wobbled for a moment but regain my senses as i looked around for her.


"...we're too late," i sighed when we had searched for the whole area. I sighed again and went to Sans who was checking on the other side. He was standing on a spot, silent the whole time and it was weird for him to act like that.

"Sans?" His back was on me and his shoulder was shaking. I walked to see what happened and saw something that horrified me.

"!!!...i-is that...?"

Blood. The ground was splattered with blood. Lots of it. Sans kept looking at the puddle of blood, his eyes glowing bright blue. The trail of blood trailed to a path but it ended a few steps away. I know that Undyne captured her...

"...but how?" I asked to myself. My ankle was still throbbing from pain but i ignored it.

"Undyne isn't supposed to be here yet. We weren't suppose to meet her until we reached the bush, unless..." I stopped and remebered the last timeline.

"Someone changed the timeline..." He mumbled silently. My eyes widen at this, knowing who did it.


(_____'s pov)

"Where is this place?" You asked yourself. You were standing on nothing. Everything was black and there's no end to it.

"Greetings," you heard a voice out of nowhere. You looked around, searching for the voice. You then saw Frisk, but a bit different. Their clothes are stripped green and yellow and their eyes...its red.

"Y-you're..." "Yup, i am Chara, at your service!" They smiled like a kid. But it seemed creepy to you.

"What do you want?" You asked them immediately. They were playing with their knife when they looked at you smiling.

"...Straight to the point, huh? Okay then," they put their knife away and you sighed in relief.

"You are not supposed to be here, actually" they explained "this world is supposed to go on forever, just with the same character" they stopped for a moment.

"So why am i here? I don't even remember anything" you told them and they chuckled in amusement. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"I know who you are and i know everything about you." They smiled and took out their knife once again, brandishing it. You shivered, seeing the knife that had killed most of your friends.

"But how?" You asked them and they floated on mid-air lazing around.

"I know because I am the one that brought you here." Before you could say anything again Chara interrupted you "i find you interesting, so i brought you here. Seems that i was right on bringing you here." They chuckled a creepy laugh.

"Who am i...?" You muttered.

"It won't be interesting anymore if i tell you, will it?" They shook their finger and made a 'no' gesture. You pouted and sat at the invisible floor.

"Anyway my time is almost up, i will try to visit you with my power next time~" the floor started to disappear.

"Wait! I still have question for you!" You tried to reach out for them but their body disappeared when you touched their hand.

They grinned an evil grin "i told you it wouldn't be interesting if i tell you!~" and they disappeared into particles which then turned into nothing. Everything then crumbled and you fell into the deep abyss.


"I SAID WAIT!!" You shouted as you jolted yourself awake at an unfamiliar place once again. You panted and looked around, searching for any sign of life.

"Just who are they?" You sighed. Your rope is not tied that hard so you could loosen it. You rubbed your wrist, seeing it had marks on it. Your check your body to find it almost healed and bandaged.

"How did it heal so fast? I t was pretty deep and would take a while..." You wondered and stood up to explore the unfamiliar place.

The place looked like it had been abandoned for many years. It was all dusty and dark. It looked like an abandoned lab.

"Where is the royal guard?" You mumbled to yourself, walking to room after room. Its all the same, dusty and creepy, with the entrie that would suddenly go on when you get closer to them. The entries had voices coming out of it, probably a voice recorder. The speaker sounded like a female voice saying her experiment that went fail.

"H-hey!" You suddenly heard a voice coming from the room before. You turned to see a monster with a lab coat looking at you akwardly.

"W-well...hello" she avoided to make eye contact with you. You just replied with a 'hello!' and it went silent again.

"Um...what's your name? I'm ______" you tried to start a conversation. She tried to glance at you and stuttered something. You still could hear her said it though.

"M-my name is Alphys, the Royal Scientist...n-nice to meet you..."

A/N: sorry for the late update!(_ _) i just started to run out of ideas and i don't have much time for writting. I will try to make another one next time!. Thanks for reading!

P.s. credit to the owner of the drawing!

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