Chapter 8

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Upon entering the cave, your saw a waterfall with trash that fell from the surface. You scanned around the area holding Frisk hands leading them to the path.

You've never interacted much with Frisk, even though they are the only other human here. Maybe you can use this chance to be friends with him!

You nodded and giggled earning a weird look from Frisk.

Best way to start a friendhip.

"So...Frisk huh?" You said out loud. They nodded in response and a question popped in your mind. You decided to asked them.

"You know, i never actually heard you utter any word since i met you" Frisk didn't respond so you continued "can you speak? I mean, not to bother you. You don't need to answer if yo-"

"I can" Frisk answered interrupting your sentence. You turned to see them and saw them still with a blank face. "I can speak. I just...." "don't speak much?" You added and he nodded. Then it went silent.

"What about you?" Frisk finally broke the silence. "Huh?" You asked them giving him a confused look.

"Your eyes" he added "why is it covered?"

"Oh this?" You held a piece of strand of your hair. " my eyes turned white for some reason and people usually freaked out so i grow my bangs"


"I...don't know" you admitted and sighed "it was like this since i was at the orphanange..."

"You're an orphan?"

"Yup, my parents, whoever they are, left me in front of the door so they took me in"
You explained and they nodded, understanding.

"You know, you're the same as Flowey" you chuckled, remembering the first time you met with him. "He also asked the same question when we first met, except for the orphanange part"

"You met Flowey too?" Frisk turned his head to you. You nodded in response "he's a good monster. He saved my life when i almost died" you added and Frisk face turned from blank into confusion.

"You mean he helped you?" Frisk chuckled "what else did he do?"

"Well..." You went to explain your journey including the dream but did not mention him being there.

"He got a crush on you~" Frisk giggled and nudged your arm. You blushed, rolling your eyes and nudge him back.

"N-no he don't! W-we're just friends!" you stuttered making Frisk laughed and you blushed even redder than before.

Wow. You just got bullied by a 9-year old kid.

The tense then just...disappeared like that. Like it had crumbled down into pieces and became much more comfortable. You guys talked alot about the surface along the way without knowing another presence on your back.


"I think we need to head back. I have to prepare dinner after all" you turned back and started to head back with Frisk. But that did not last long when suddenly, a spear, glowing in blue, crashed right in front of you and Frisk.

You then looked up in alarm and saw a figure wearing an armor. It's a royal guard, the one that Sans warned you about. Frisk responded quicker and grabbed you hand, pulling you.

"RUN!!!" Spears started to appear and you ran with them, trying to escape. The spears aimed at you, but you managed to dodged it and tried to catch up with Frisk.

"Why did it attack us?!" You shouted despite the condition you're in, panting and terrified. Another spear passed you and you yelped, dodging it.

"I will explain it later!" Frisk jumped, and the spear appeared from under the plank. You guys almost reached the end when Frisk accidentally tripped and fell.

"Frisk!!!" You turned and saw the knight approaching at a fast rate, its spear ready to shoot at any second. Everything then went so slow. You running towards Frisk, the spear that launched at them as you pushed them away and it got on you instead. You screamed in pain burning from your side.

"______!!!" Frisk shouted. They ran to you but you stopped them.

"Run Frisk! Get away from here!" You tried to stand up but fell again. The person is only a meter away now.

"But-" "I said GO!!!" They looked like they would burst into tears but nodded and ran towards the exit. The royal guard noticed this and started to chase after them, only to be blocked by you.

You stood there arms spreaded wide, not giving the guard any chance to go further. You panted heavily, your body felt like it could fall, but you stood there clenching on your wound to stop the bleeding.

"...i will not let you...pass any further from this!" You shouted with your remaining energy. They just stood there, silent the whole time, before they started chuckling. It was a woman's voice.

" think you can defeat me? In that state?" She laughed. "Hah! You're useless. You can't even stand normally!"

"I-i don't fight you..." You said. She just laughed and act like it was nothing."You're lying! Fight me!" You stood still. Your necklace appeared again.

It was her turned first and she striked you with her spears. You tried to dogded it but your current state made you move slower. Another spear stabbed into your arm and you tried to hold your scream and whimpered.

"What are you gonna do now, punk?!" She took off her armor. It seemed like a fish lady and you saw her smiling like crazy at you. You just smiled at her, and reached out for the screen.


"What? have to fight me you know?"


"...whatever, i'm going to bring you to Asgore anyway" she mumbled, approaching you slowly but suddenly jumped at you, catching you off guard. You felt her hit the back of your neck and your body felt numb, slipping away from consciousness until your body went limp on her arms.

" knew that you can't defeat me. But why do you still try?" Undyne sighed and lifted you up on her shoulder, bringing you to somewhere you didn't know.

A/N: here's chapter 8! I'm sorry i didn't upload for days-_-. Just to tell you guys...*puts shield on* i will not make Undyne or Alphys like you. I just want them to be together so don't complain! Thsnks for reading.

P.s credit to me for the art!

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