Chapter 22

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"So you were a human right?" Sans asked casually, both of you walking at a slow pace. You looked at him and nodded, a bit cautious of the surrounding now.

You were with a monster. Your enemy. The one mo-Tori warned you. He could kidnap you anytime he wanted to and bring you to the castle-

"Don't worry, i won't be hurting you. I'm too lazy to."

Welp, all your thoughts just got thrown into the dumps.

"But you see, my brother, he's a human FANATIC. And he seemed abit...down lately, so i thought you could cheer him up?"

Chills went up your spine at the mention of a human fanatic. "W-why should i even go and turn myself in?!" You stuttered, moving back and kept a distance from him.

"Don't worry, he's harmless. He too innocent to kill anyone." Sans chuckled. You were still at the stance to run. You were nervous and tense until-

Ugh finally!

"HOLY SHI-" You closed your mouth as Sans raised an eyebrow at you, looking at you confused. You just shrugged and you gulped

"W-who are you?"

What do you think dimwit? After all the hardwork i did you're now asking who i am?!

Then it finally struck as to who it was. The sound of the high pitch voice. The nicknames it gave...


Oh great, you just realise it. You deserve a nobel prize.

You stiffled a chuckled and you heard Flowey grumbled in your mind.

"Well why did you enter anyway?"

I just wanted to tell you that you could follow him. Just be careful. I don't like him.

You looked at Sans and he let out his hands. You hesitantly took it as he suddenly pulled you into the bushes. You yelped as you tried to see your surroundings but it was too dark, covered by the bush. You blinked, trying to adjust to the surroundings but found both of you in another place.

"Here we are." Sans walked, still holding your hands as he gently pulled you to a post sentry. There was a standing lamp next to it.

Sans looked at the surroundings, probably to see if there were any signs of his (BELOVED-/shot) brother and turned back to you.

"I guess he's not here. Maybe you could meet him next time." Sans rubbed the back of his neck, smiling seepishly.



"You can go and travel for awhile, maybe you can meet Paps along the way." You turned to him as you looked at him confusely.

"You won't join?"


"Nah, i got part time job to do." Sans waved his hand dismissively at you. You nodded and started walking to the other direction.

"Wait, kiddo." Sans held your shoulder before you could even took a step.

"Yeah?" You asked looking at him only to realise that his face was only inches away from you. You blushed as he inched closer.

You then felt something cold touching your head. Your eyes went up and saw his forehead touching yours. He then moved back before smiling at you.

"I'm just checking your temperature, that's all."

"O-okay?" You titlted your head in confusion. He chuckled and ruffled your hair.

"Well be careful out there kiddo." Sans said to you. You nodded gleefully as you waved him goodbye. As soon as he was out of sight, Flowey popped out of the bag.

"How dare that smiley trashbag touched you!" He grumbled, crossing his arms. You chuckled as you petted him, resulting in him swatting away your arm with one of his vines.

"Why would you even be angry about it?" You laughed, not knowing the situation. He blushed as he muttered incoherent words.


You guys passed through puzzles, although you found it weird since its already solved but shrugged it off.

You sneezed as you shivered due to the coldness of the place. It made sense now that you think about it since your only protection from the wind was your jacket which now had holes from burning.

"You okay there? Doesn't sounds good to me." Flowey said to you. You nodded in response as you kept walking.

"I could handle it, but i would rather have something warm right now." You chuckled before sneezing again. "I think i'm gonna catch a cold by the time i arrive at snowdin."


You then met another puzzle, althoigh its different this time. The puzzle was not yet solved and there was a person, no, a skeleton standing next to it. He immediately took a notice at you as he dashed towards you.

"?!" You looked at him widen eyes and Flowey immediately retreated back to the bag before he arrived.


"Uh...." you mumbled looking at him. You've never met him before but what he said condradicted it. Meaning...

There's another human?

Flowey's voice echoed in your mind. You nodded and decided to play along with the skeleton, or you could know as Papyrus ftom what you've heard.

"Um...sure! Where's the puzzle?" You asked him, smiling excitedly. He brightened up as he suddenly held you and dragged you to the puzzle.

Oh boy...


You finally solved the puzzles after a few attemps. The spikes lowered down as you slumped down to the ground, panting.

"SO? ISN'T FUN?" Papyrus looked at you expectantly.

"It's fun...if it didn't...involve running!" You panted. You weren't that good at sports in the first place.

"OH." Papyrus looked at you innocently. You chuckled as you finally regained your composure.

"I THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL MAKE A BETTER PUZZLE NEXT TIME!" Papyrus shouted giving out a loud laugh before trying to leave. Emphasis on trying since you grabbed ahold of his red scarf.

"NYEH?" Papyrus looked at you confusingly as you looked at him.

"Um..." you mumbled but soon let go of his scarf. "Nevermind, hope you could make good puzzle next time!"

Papyrus blushed, his face covered in red as he nodded. "OF COURSE I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL MAKE GREAT PUZZLE!" He shouted, following with a roaring of laugh. He then left the place running ever so slightly.

Flowey went out of the bag and took a deep breath of the air. "Your bag is too cramped! Bring a larger bag next time will you?!"

"If i went back to the surface again." You chuckled. Flowey just grumbled in response as both of you took the path of the white snow.

To Snowdin.

A/N: FINALLY I AM FREE! I managed to get many ideas during my exam. Thank you for waiting this whole time i really appreciate it.

I can finally announced it'll continue with slow updates...yey!

P.s credit to the owner of the drawing!

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