Chapter 13

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"Chara? What are you doing here?" You asked them. They chuckled a creepy laugh. They spun the knife on the table and it pointed at you.

"You," they said. You shivered from the sudden change of the atmosphere. "I want to talk about you, _____"
They giggled.

"W-what do you want of me?" You stuttered. They put their knife away "relax, i won't hurt you. Instead i wanted to give you hints."

"What hints?"

"Do you wanted to know more about the past you?"

That perked your interest up. "Yes, of course!" You smiled.

"It's getting boring so i wanted to tell you a hint" they said "it would be more interesting, wouldn't it?"

They did not give you anytime to answer "you better hear this clear, because this is a great hint~" they said in a mocking tone.

"What is it?" You asked. They gestured you to come closer. You did and they wishpered on your ear.

"You're not a human, _____"

(Sans' pov)

"_____? H-hey, what's wrong kiddo?" She was silent the whole time, staring at the wall.

I kept snapping my fingers in front of her but she didn't move an inch. What is wrong with her?

"Hey kid-" her eyes just flashed. I stopped my action and inspect her eyes which was covered with her bangs.

"I'm sorry, _____" i freezed the time and slowly removed her bangs. It was indeed white, a pure ghostly white colour. Her eyes are supposed to be (e/c). I saw it last time.

Then suddenly i saw the colour of red in her eyes, mixing with the white, although the didn't mixed with each other.

"Chara..." I growled. The red started to disappear, indicating that their power was running out.

I sighed and let down her bangs. "She still had secret from me..." I snapped my fingers and the time went by again.

"_____?" She moved a little. She then blinked for awhile, then turned towards me. She had a blank expression plastered on her face.

"____? You okay? You've been silent this whole time," i acted like i normally did.

"O-oh i'm sorry i had been staring at you this whole time!" She smiled sheepishly. I chuckled at this.

Just what are you ____?

(____'s pov)

You were packing up your things that were necessary for the journey. You remebered what Chara said.


"You're not a human, ______" they whispered on your ear. Your eyes widen as you jerked back from them.

"What's with that face? I was serious about it~" they fake-pouted at you.

"...then what am i?" You asked them. They shook their finger in front of you.

"No, no! It would be too boring if i tell you," they giggled "but...i guess another hint won't harm~" they smiled a creepy smile.

"You had power inside of you, find it out~"

They walked to the front door. Before they held the doorknob they remembered something.

"Oh! And _____," they turned to look at you. "Beware of your surroundings," they glitched into a horrifying thing.

Their eyes....and mouth wer-

"____?" You heard Papyrus said and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. Oh wait. It already usually happened.

"Yes Pap? Do you need some help in cooking again?" You chuckled. They chuckled a bit but didn't afterwards.

"UM...I HEARD THAT YOU'RE GOING TO GO, SO..." he mumbled. He told you to close your eyes, which you did (you noticed he was blushing, before closing your eyes) and you felt him holding your hand, giving you something. He closed your hand and let it go.

"Pap, what is this-" you opened your eyes to see him nowhere to be around. You looked your hand and saw that it was bracelet.

The bracelet had bits of orange crystal that glows dimly and was made pretty well. You wonder where Pap got this. You then saw a note attched to it and read it. The words were scribbled but you could still make it out.

A good luck charm for _____.

You giggled and wore the bracelet on your wrist. You silently thanked him and continued packing up your stuff.

"____?" You heard Sans said. You turned to see him leaning on the doorway, but he seemed nervous. Why?

"Hey Sans, what's up?" You smiled at him. He went and stood in front of you.

"Uh _____, would you close your eyes for awhile?" Sans asked. You did as he told while giggling. So much for brothers?

You felt your hand brushed against something. You tried to held it and indentify it.

"Sans, is this-" you opened your eyes to see no one in the room. You sighed.

Isn't he just like his brother?


The answer is yes.

It was a keychain, with a blue crystal in the middle glowing. It had a note attached to it to. You read it. At least the handwritting was readable.

It's expensive.

"..." You pokerfaced at it. Then you laughed thinking the difference between the brothers. You wore it on the zipper of your bag.

When you finished packing up, you went downstairs. You tried to search for anyone but no one is home, or so you thought. Papyrus's and Sans's rooms were locked. You tried to get them to say something but no one answers the knock.

You wore your jacket and went to the front door. You were holding the doorknob.

"But before that," you mumbled and turned to the dirction of where you thought they would be.

"Thank you so much for saved me alot in this world...and i hope to meet you next time?" You saw both the crystals glowed brighter and you took that as a yes.

"Then..." You held the doorknob "this i not a goodbye!" You opened the door and let the win hit you. You squinted but the widen your eyes. You saw both of the skelebrothers standing outside, waiting for you.

"Yeah,this is not a goodbye...right Pap?" Sans smirked and looked at Pap.

"OF COURSE IT IS NOT! YOU SHALL MEET THE GREAT PAPYRUS NEXT TIME!" he made a heroic pose. Sans chuckled. They both turned their heads at you.


"What do you say, ____?"

You were almost crying. You never felt this happy, no, this safe. You nodded and smiled at them.

"Yes, of course!" You jumped at them and glomped them tightly. You thanked them both so many times and they answered it everytime.

Who knows...that being here is much more better than the surface?

A/N: OMG I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE FOR A LONG TIME!!! ;_; i had works and i was actually running out of ideas so it took awhile to made on i 'm sorry and i hope you enjoy it!!!

P.s. credit to the owner of the drawing!

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