Chapter 19

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A/N: here's chapter 19! Just asking, but did chapter 18 is updated on your mobile/laptop?

You woke up on a bed, the scent of cinammon butterstoch pie wafting through the air. You groaned as you at up, rubbing your head. You then touched what felt like bandaged and winced.

_____ thank god you're awake! Are you feeling better?

"Yeah...but not so great either," you looked at your surroundings. It seemed like a bedroom for children, judging by how many toys there were.

"Just what happened?" You asked Chara. The lights are out in the room but you could still see clearly. You saw a plate of pie laying on the floor, still warm.

Firstly, you used you power. Secondly, some monsters kidnapped you. Probably she was going to hand you to some bad guys. And lastly, Don't trust her.

"Okay." You mumbled, sitting on the floor with the plate of pie on your hand. You took a bite of it. It tasted delicious.

Ugh...what did i just tell you...

If Chara was real you could imagine them face palming and groaned. You chuckled at that thought.

"My bad," you laughed, finishing the pie. Once you were done you started to walk towards the door.

Let me remind you again, _____. You need to be careful. Don't. Trust. Anyone.

"Got it," you nodded and turned the door knob opened. It led you to what looked like a hallway, lights lighting the path.

You slowly crept along the hallway, cautious of and traps that could be set up for you. After you checked that the coast is clear, you entered another room, provably the living room. You heard someone humming up ahead on another room.

Enemy located.

"What should i do now?"

Kill her.

"What?! Are you crazy?!"

No, i'm being serious!

"We could at least negotiate with her first. Killing is the last option!"

Oh my God, ______! She kidnapped you!

"And healed me? She isn't that bad, you kno-

"Oh my, you're awake already!" The monster noticed your presence as she turned around, smiling warmly at you.

"H-hello..." You managed to utter. You gripped your knife tightly kust in case she attacked you.

Who's the scaredy cat now?~


The monster seemed to have noticed the knife you were holding. She sighed and bent down to the same height as you.

"Fear not, my child. I won't harm you. I brought you here since i found you injured and treated you," she smiled and gently held your hand which made you flinched and dropped the knife on the floor.


"W-who are you?" You finally managed to ask. She chuckled before she stood up again and took another plate.

"I am Toriel, the caretaker of the ruins." She finally answered, handing you a cinammon butterscotch pie. Your eyes sparkled at this as your stomach growled, needing more food.

"Thank you," you said to her, now feeling embarrased because you tried to kill her in the first place. You felt something was missing but you didn't know what.

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