Chapter 4

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You continued, despite the cold you had right now. It's stupid, but it's even stupider to stay in the forest doing nothing and die from fever so, great choice!

"Why does life have to be so complicated?!" You whined and soon arrived at an intersection. You turned left and kept walking. It was a dead end with a snowman on the end. You inspected it and suddenly, the snowman spoke. "Would you please take a piece of me and bring it to the end of the world?"

You just stared at it. It stared at you back. "Hello? Can you hear me?" It spoke again. You stared at him, then shook your head from side to side

"Am i really that sick? That sick to get hallucination? Wow. Just. Wow" you walked back to the intersection. Now that you think about it, you saw a box that is not supposed to be there before. Probably missed it. You opened it, but it was empty. You sighed and closed it back. You walked again for the 12th time. You didn't count.

You then saw some kind of a post and a sign that you didn't even bother to read. You passed it but just before you could get away, a growl came from the post. You stopped and turned to see a dog that kept looking left and right.

"I saw something move..who is it?!" Doggo barked at your direction. Your necklace and the screen appear in front of you. It started to attack you with his blue knife but you didn't have time to move.

Look who's gonna die~

The blade went pass through you. A miracle, you thought and then realised that you're NOT supposed to move when it was blue. You mentally face palmed for the stupidity of yourself.

"Where are you?! Show yourself!" Doggo demanded. You just shrugged and saw that it was your turn.


"Wh-what?! Who just petted me?! I-i know you're there!..." Doggo looked scared and attacked blindly again. And you know what? This is like the easiest enemy you've fought so far. Just stand and you survive!

It was your turn now and saw his name colour on your screen is yellow.

You won! You earned 0 exp and 4 gold.

"I need to have a dog treat..." The dog mumbled and retreated into his post. You were now strolling. You're tired. Really tired. You then saw a monster next to an ice cream stand. You didn't want ice cream. Besides, its not healthy to eat one when you're sick.

You bought one anyway.

"Thank you for your purchase!" He thanked you and you smiled at him. As you kept walking, you saw a puzzle, one like in the dungeon, except that it was already solved so you could pass through it easily.

"Who did it anyway? The monsters sure do have a weird taste but unique." you then saw two stands, next to each other, one saying 'his' and the other saying 'hers'.

"As i say, they have a weird taste." You confirmed yourself.

"What kind of flavour is it?" A familiar voice asked. You turned and your eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Sans! Hi-" you didn't finish your word since you tripped and face-planted into the snow. You pulled yourself up and laughed at your clumsiness, joined by Sans later.

"You okay there kiddo?" He asked. You stood up and dusted the remaining snow on your jacket and nodded at him.

"Yup! Good as new..." Your eyes blurred and you felt dizzy but returned back to normal. You reminded yourself not to exert yourself too much. Sans looked at you but shrugged.

"How is it going on kiddo? Anything good?" You told him what happended after he left, leaving the topic of the fever you had right now.

"Cool. I was gonna teach you about the blue attack, but guess you found it out yourself." He ruffled your hair. You swatted his hands away and fixed your hair.

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