Chapter 25

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Flowey indeed ranted on you for hours until he finally let you off with 'do it correctly next time, dimwit.'

"Today is such a tiring day!" You flopped down on the bed. The bed felt really comfortable and you felt drowsy in second.

"Well i'm going to head off somewhere. Take a rest first okay, dimwit." Flowey told you and dug a hole which he entered and disappeared.

"Okay, Flowey." You yawned and soon fell asleep.


"What...?" You looked at yourself. You're wearing a white dress, your skin was pale. You held your face and felt your ears. Its pointy for some reason. You were also barefooted.

"This is not my body..." you told yourself. You looked at the surroundings, which was an endless dark abyss.

You took a step and saw that every steps you made caused ripples, as if you're standing on water. You giggled and hopped from place to place.

You smiled and took another step but the surroundings changed to a familiar place.

"Isn't this place..." you mumbled. The pillars that loomed the room. The light that escaped through the window.

"What is this place?" You scratched your head. "I feels like its something important but-"

You stopped, your eyes widening at the scene in front of you.


Sans was leaning against one of the pillar, blood trickling down his mouth. He clutched his shirt which was red from the blood.

"Sans!!!" You shouted and ran to him. You tried to touch him only to pass through him. Tears strung your eyes as you could only looked at him.

"Heh..." Sans chuckled his voice was hoarse. "_____..." he called out.

"Sans!" You looked at him, your hopes getting up. He could see you this whole time!

"_______...if you're listening..." you heart sank. He didn't know wether you're there or not. He's just talking to himself.

"I-i'm so sorry for what i had done..." he said. "I thought that you...killed my brother..." he looked straight ahead, staring off into space. "My body just moved on its own..."

"W-what are you talking about?" You chuckled desperately. "Come on, you'll be okay, like you always say, right...?"

"I...don't..." Sans started to fade. "...even told you...i love y-" he never finished his word. The glow in his eyesocket disappeared, and he stopped moving.

"Sans..." you cried, tears started flowing down. "You can't just die like this..."

His body turned into a lump of dust. You couldn't do anything. You just stood there, not doing anything. It frustrated you a lot.

"Poor Sans," you heard someone said from the back of you but you ignored whoever they were. "He never said sorry..."

"...right, _____~?" Chara sang, floating around you. You flinched but stood still as they chuckled.

"How is it?" They asked. "This timeline is pretty dramatic, isn't it?" They laughed, standing in front of you.

"You..." you looked at them your eyes turning white. Your eyes were glaring daggers at them but they ignored it.

"Hehe~" Chara brushed it off. "You still haven't figured it out?"


"All of the clues that i had given to you..." Chara chuckled. "You still didn't realise?"

"...what if i said no?" You asked them, your tone became serious. You looked at them angrily.

"You're still the same as the cheeky you in the other tumeline." Chara chuckled. You gave them a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

They smiled creepily as you said that and floated to the back of the room. They pointed at something shining on the end of the room

"See it for yourself." They said ut in such a creepy tone that you flinched. You looked at them hesitantly but they only smiled, showing no hints of what it was.

Upon closer look, it was a shining diamond, floating inches above the ground, sawying slightly.

You gulped, sweats trickled down your neck as you move forward, closer to it. You reached out you hand slowly towards the unidentified object. Closer and closer until-


You held the shiny object on your palm. As soon as you did that, all the memories came back into your mind in one second. You couldn't hold it and shouted in pain, dropping the object onto the ground as you crouched.

"M-mom...Sans...Paps...Al..." you had tears running down your cheeks. "Frisk..."

"Hehe~ now you're back!" Chara giggled like a kid. "Well i'm running out of time to so i'll talk to you later!" Chara waved and disappeared.

Everything grew daek and darker until you were at the same dark place again, except you're now crying.

"They didn't know they're killed..." you mumbled.

'Frisk is just controlled so its not their fault...'


'I'm not suppose to be here...'


'I bring misfortune...'

"______!!!" You shot up from your bed as you panted heavily. You saw Flowey right next to you, looking at you, annoyed, although there were hint of worry in his eyes.

"You okay?" He asked. You stared at him for a while before you gave him a heartwarming smile.

"I'm fine."

A/N: And that's it for today! Sorry i made less than usual since i'm actually busy with something else XD.

Guess what?

I'm making another book!
Well it's Sans x reader and full of feels. Yes i'm promoting ^^".

Uh...yeah...*throws confetti everywhere*.

And i'm feeling realy angsty right now QAQ.

P.s. Credit to the owner of the drawing!

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