Chapter 23

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You both traveled as you met with many monsters, sparing them and earned gold that they fell when they walked away. You sneezed and brought your jacket closer for warmth but it was proven to be futile, so you sighed as you continued your journey.

"I never thought that the currency here would be gold. Real gold." You said, lifting up your pouch of money, the sound of the coins jingling in it.

"The more you know, the better, dimwit." Flowey smirked but suddenly hid under your bag as he noticed someone coming closer.

You looked up in alert but relaxed as soon as you saw that it was only Sans. He waved casually as you smiled back at him.

"Sup, kiddo." Sans said as he stood in front of you. "I'm just about to get back to the other sentry. Seems that you've met my brother."

"Yeah, he's not that evil as i thought he would." You chuckled. "Although i do find it weird..."

No, don't- Flowey didn't say anything afterwards as if he lost his connections with you.


"When we met for the first time, he acted as if he knew me already..." you looked up and saw Sans glowing eyes grew dark as his smiles flattered.

"What did he say?" He asked, smiling at you although his eyes contradicted it. You now felt hesitant to tell him.

"H-he said that he would make me like puzzle or some sort..." you looked down. Wow, your shoes are getting dirty.

"...oh well," Sans closed his eyes and his glowing dots came back as he opened it. "I'm gonna head back to my sentry. Talk to you later, kiddo."

"Yeah, you too Sans." You smiled at him. You both bid your farewell and continued on your own journeys.

"Flowey what're you planning to tell me before?" You asked them as you walked. He was silent this whole time ever since he went out.



You walked and reach into a path that was blocked by some puzzle. There was mist there and you couldn't see that well.

"Is..that...?" You mumbled. The mist started to clear and you could see the monster from afar.

"NYEHEHEH! HUMAN, I HAVE BROUGHT YOU WITH ANOTHER PUZZLE!" Papyrus shouted moving aside to show you the puzzles he made.

"That's...great!" You smiled at him. Flowey had went inside your bag before he noticed. He laughed and dragged you in front of it.

Papyrus pointed to the tree nearby and stood there.

Another?! What the-

"No, swearing in my brain, Flowey,!" You whispered-shouted at him and he grumbled in response.

"Let's do it!" You mumbled as you walked onto the path.



"Done!" You hopped on the last floor and the spikes slided down. You turned to see Papyrus, staring off into space.

"Pap, i finished it!" You shouted, grinning while you waved your hand to get his attention. Papyrus turned to you and grinned.

"WOWIE! YOU MADE IT ALREADY?" Papyrus asked, walking over to you. Just before he could get close you sneezed. Really hard. You could see Papyrus visibly flinched and stopped his tracks.

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