Chapter 28

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(Warning! Slight *many* gore so be prepared!)

(3rd pov)

Alphys lifted Flowey up and left both Grillby and _______ alone. She went outside of the room and walked down rhe hallway.

"Hey, what the heck are you doing?!" Flowey tried to move out of the grasp of Alphys but her hand didn't move an inch.

"Asriel." Alphys said in a serious tone. Flowey looked at Alphys, shocked at the mention of that name.

"What do you want?" Flowey growled lowly. Alphys was silent as she stopped and stood in front of the bathroom.

"I...had some questions for you." Alphys told Flowey as she entered the bathroom. Flowey titleted his head in confusion.

"What questions? Why not just ask it here now?" Alphys pressed some buttons hidden well on the cracks of the wall as the room started to shake, indicating that the elvator started to move.

"You'll see..."

(______'s pov)

"I need to go." Grillby let go of the hug and set you back on the bed. "You take a rest, okay?"

"Okay." You layed on the bed, your eyes getting drowsy. "Bye Grill." You yawned.

(wow i yawned irl when i typed 'yawned' XD)

Grillby nodded as he silently went out of the room, turning off the light, leaving silence to accompany your presence.

"...Chara." you mumbled. "I know you're there, don't hide."

A chuckle echoed on the room as two glowing red eyes appear out of nowhere.

"Aw ______, you're not fun!" Chara pouted childishly as they floated next to you. You sat up once again as you glared at Chara.

"Did you kill paps." You asked, no, demanded at Chara, your eyes glowing white glaring at them.

"I wonder what you're talking about?" Chara chuckled innocently. You gritted your teeth, trying to hold back your anger.

"Did you kill him." You growled under your breathe. Chara laughed as they fell back to the ground, laughing. They stood up and walked towards the wall.

"You didn't." Chara stopped as they glanced at you with their red eyes glowing in the dark. "But you did." They continued. You lifted your eybrows up as you looked disbelief.

Chara chuckled as they stopped and turned to face you. Their eyes were covered with their bangs.

"Allow me to introduce," Chara bowed playfully as they tulted their heads up, one of the eyes visible glowing red as you heard something moved from behind.

Your eyes widen as you saw the person in front of you, inches away from you, holding a knife covered in dust. You could feel the cold metallic object on your neck as blood slowly trickled down your skin. White glowing eyes staring at you playfully.

Chara smirked, dark liquid flowing down their mouth. They stood up properly and dusted the invinsible dust off.

"My new bestfriend, _______."

_______ looked at you with their glowing white eyes, laughing maniaclly before all of your surrounding went black.

(3rd pov)

The sound of the door sliding echoed in the room as Alphys and Flowey entered the room where they let ______ rest.

"_-_____ we bro-" Alphys stopped as she dropped the meals she held on her arms. Her hands shot up to her mouth as her eyes widen in shock. Flowey stayed quiet, his face grim of the matter ahead.

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