Chapter 10

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"U-um...Alphys?" You said. She yelped and turned back to you "w-what is it?" She stuttered.

"Hate to break it to you, but trying to cosplay me won't help to disguise me from your killer robot," you're wearing a pair of cat ears and a tail on your back. You're also wearing an idol costume of her favourite character "it could detect if i had a human soul right?"

"W-well yes..." She muttered akwardly scratching her head.

"Besides, why do you want to help me? Didn't you monsters wanted my soul?" You asked.

"W-well, i was supposed to kill you..but after seeing your determination, i-i just kinda...root for you..." She mumbled. You gushed at this and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you Alphys! I would never survive if it weren't for you!" You let go of her. She breathed in and out for air and smiled weakly at you.

"Y-your welcome _____" she stuttered.

How did you escape Undyne, the captain of the Royal Guard? Well there's an explanation to that.

-at the waterfall-

"She's so weak and coward! She doesn't even dare to fight m-" " U-undyne!" Alphys called out snapping Undyne from her rant on you.

"Oh hi Alphys! How's it going?" She grinned. Alphys panicked seeing your condition worsen than before.

"U-um Undyne! H-how about you keep the human in my lab first?" Alphys suggested to Undyne. Undyne raised her eybrows in confusion.


"W-well, it would be easier if y-you keep it here! I-i can keep her in the lab while you search for the other human..." Undyne gave her a look and Alphys shrugged "a-and i could experiment on her.."

"Okay, sure. Just keep her locked and tied with ropes okay Alphys?" Undyne handed you to Alphys. You were three times bigger and heavier than her but she could still manage to bring you inside.

"I'm sorry Undyne..." She muttered when Undyne was gone.

-back to the present-

"Did you actually let your invention roam by itself" you asked her and she nodded.

"He's still having a show so he won't be here yet," she sighed and searched for something in her stacks of boxes lying on the corner of the room. She then returned to you and took out something from her hand.

"P-please take it! As a gift from m-me" she handed you a fake wand and laughed an akward laugh, until it slowly died down.

"But you already gave me a new phone! Its already enough, actually" you held out the wand back to her.

"N-no i insist! P-please just take it" She pushed your hand, smiling. You sighed and took it, returning th smile to Alphys.

"Okay then, if you say so..." You kept your wand in your bag. She told you that Mettaton would be coming soon and you need to leave.

"Then what about you? Will you be okay? Wouldn't Undyne get mad at you?" You asked and she gave you a thumbs up.

"I-i will just convince her that you escaped!" She stuttered and you gave her the last huh.

"I will see you soon, bye Alphys!" You waved goodbye at her and she waved back at you. She told the directions in the Hotland to go to the Riverman and you found him singing on the boat.

"Tralala. I am the Riverman. Would you care for a ride?" He asked you and you nodded.

"Which place would it be?" He asked and you answered snowdin and the boat move at a high speed, leaving splashes of water.

"Tralala, beware of the man who speaks in hand," the Riverman sang. You raised your eyebrows but he didn't say anything else so you ignored it.


You finally arrived back at the town and you can't wait to see the familiar faces of the villagers. But then you remembered something and stopped at your tracks.

"Chara...who are they? They know me..." You started to ponder as you unconciously walked to Sans' and Papyrus's house. You stood in front of the door and was about to knock it when a voice interrupted your action.

"_____?" Sans asked walking towards you. You noticed Frisk running behind him "is that really you?"

"Hi Sans" you smiled and waved at him and was immediately attacked by a hug from Sans, joined by Frisk after they arrive at the place.

"Thank godness you're okay..." Sans mumbled on your clothes. Frisk just nodded and hugged you tighter, not wanting to let go.
You patted both of their head and smiled.

"T-thanks guys, but it hurts if your hug me tightly..." You winced and they immediately let go of you.

"So...what's with the costume?" Frisk asked. You then remembered that you hadn't changed out of your costume and blushed in embarrassment.

"I-its not w-what you think! Alphys just gave t-this to me..." You covered your face and Frisk laughed.

"My life is complete..." Sans mumbled standing in front of the door, blushing like an idiot, though you didn't realise it. Frisk laughed at this.

"What did you say Sans? I didn't quite hear that~" Frisk nudged Sans. You just tilted your head in confusion making him blushed even more and Frisk laughed until they fell onto the snow.

"What's so funny?!" You shouted in attempt to stop them. They soon calmed down and you sighed, they had attracted the attention of the villagers to be here and everyone looked at you as if you're weird.

"Let's just head inside. I will explain it later" you mumbled and pushed them inside the house. You looked through the window and sae the crowd disappearing and you sighed in relief.

"So," you turned back to them smiling and sat on the couch. They just stood there, dumbfounded.

"Where do i start?"

A/N: This is chapter 10! As a sorry for not updating that quickly. Thanks for rrading this! I never actually thought someone wanted to read this crappy book and i was happy for this! ^^

P.s. credit to rhe owner of the picture!

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