Chapter 15

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A/N: now on to chapter 15! Phew!

You searched everywhere yet you couldn't find any sight of the kid. You sighed and slumped against the wall, tired from the running.

"Frisk..." You mumbled. "Where are you?" You looked up at the ceiling. The stars were still there. You smiled, remembering the stars on the surface.

"I wonder if i was happy up there..." You frowned and closed your eyes. You wanted all of this to end, yet you still craved for more.

"_____?" You opened one of your eyes and saw Flowey infront of you, as if he was there the whole time. "Uh, why are you leaning against the wall?" He asked.

"No, i'm just tired of searching Frisk and taking a rest is my choice right now." You slided down and patted the place next to you.

"You're sich a stupid person..." Flowey sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I don't even know anymore why i want to help you..."

"You don't have to help me if you don't want to," you petted on of his petals. He blushed but didn't move away from you, which is weird. You ignored it and continued.

It went on like that. The sound of drippling water, the silent yet peace surrounded both of you. Neither of you didn't want to break it. But Flowey broke it in the end.

"Just who are you, _____?" Flowey asked to no one in particular. "You're different from the others, you're almost the same like Ch-" Flowey stopped.

"What?" You asked him. "I didn't hear you quite well," you chuckled. He shook his head and waved it off, meaning its the end of the conversation.

"Nevermind, you're too stupid to understand anyway," he sighed. You just tilted your head in confusion. You had gained your power and stood up.

"I need to go, Frisk is probably around here-" you felt something tugged on your leg. You turned and saw it was one of Flowey's vines, wrapped tightly around your leg.

"Don't go..." He mumbled, as if he didn't want you to hear it, but you did. You knelt in front of him. He ftowned and avoided looking at you.

" know i had to, right?" You gave him a sad smile. He stared at the ground, the vines on your leg loosen and disappeared back into the earth.

He dug back into the ground without saying a word.


You stood in front of a narrow bridge. The bridge seemed old and there were many holes on it. You sighed, knowing that you wouldn't be able to pass through it.

You went back and indeed found another way, although you had to pass through another tall bushes.

You were about to enter the bush when you heard some rustling on the bush. This alarmed you and you became more cautious.

You wanted to leave the place immediately but you felt something pulled you into it. Curious, you slowly tiptoed towards the bush.

Bad choice, ______.

"Frisk!" You shouted and hugged him. He smiled and hugged you back. You let go and smiled at him. "Where have you been? I have been searching for you!"

"I went on and adventure." They shrugged. You giggled as both of you walked down the path. You told them about your adventure and they told some of theirs.

You arrived at another bridge, not damaged. You then stood in front of the bridge, when something came through your mind. You decided to aaked Frisk.

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