Chapter 26

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"I guess we can buy the cinammon buns the lady bunny had." You suggested Flowey, packing up your stuff. Flowey grunted in response.

"Yeah, even if its tasteless to me." Flowey told you. You looked at him, confused.

"You can't taste food?"

"Yes, idiot." Flowey snapped but you knew he didn't mean it so you just shrugged it off. You slowly took the old worn knife into the palm of your hand.

"I miss mo- Tori..." you smiled sadly at it. Flowey stayed silent and looked at you with no expression. But that didn't last long as your eyes flashed white and your surroundings glitched.


"Wh-what...?" You looked at the knife and saw a panel next to it.

Toy Knife

"Are you okay?!" You snapped out of it and whipped your head to see Flowey with concern plastered on his face.


The one who saved you through hard times. Tried to attack you and is a jerk. But is actually nice at heart.

You read the panel that was next to Flowey and laughed. Flowey was now confused.

"What?!" He asked, glaring at you. You gulped and shuddered, smiling sheepishly.

"Nothing," you cleared your throat. You started to pack your stuff again. You could see all of the status for most of them.

"Now im curious of what status do my friends have?"


You checked out of the inn and continued your journey. All of the villagers had knew you by now as they waved at you, giving you a warm smile.

Unfortunately you realised the power you had was gone by then. Its took lots of power to hold and you felt tired for using it only for five minutes. You sighed inwardly.

You waved at them back. Good thing that they didn't realised you're a human, or else they would probably tried to capture you by now.

"Hey, Flowey?"

What is it?

"Is it just me...or is some of the villagers aren't outside like they used to be?"

...probably just your imagination, dimwit.

You nodded and continued walking. It was the night time in the underworld righy now so they were probably asleep.

But you felt like something was wrong...

You stopped at your tracks as soon as you reached the edge of Snowdin. You couldn't see the route ahead of you because of the snow. You sighed and shivered, tightening your grip on the red scarf Papyrus gave to you.

"...Let's go." You said and started to walk into the harsh weather. You squinted your eyes as you held your hand above your head as a shield. The weather was harsher than you tought it would be.

"Why is it so different than Snowdin?!" You shouted since your voice sounded small to the surroundings.

"How the heck can i know, dimwit?!" Flowey replied, yelling at you. You sighed and started to dragg yourslef out of the cold.

Just then, you saw something glowing bright blue from afar. You stared at it and tried to walk to the source of the light.

"Are you stupid?! We need to get out of this place first!" Flowey complained and shouted at you.

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