Chapter 6

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"YOU'RE A HUMAN, RIGHT?" the tall skeleton asked. This must be the human fanatic Sans told you about. You just stood there and stared at him.

"Uhh..." You fumbled the edge of your clothes. There was no more interaction between the two of you.

This is so akward...he doesn't attack me though..maybe he's nice like what Sans said...

"COULD IT BE...THAT YOU HAVE FALLEN FOR ME, THE GREAT PAPYRUS?" he said, no, shouted. You cringed a little at his loud voice. You would need to get used to that. Then you started to realised what he just asked.

"Wait, what?" You felt your cheeks got warmer. "N-no! I don't love you!" You exclaimed, stuttering.

"OH...SO YOU DON'T LOVE ME?" he looked a bit disappointed, like a dejected puppy. You shook your head and denied "No! I mean- i don't know you, but i don't hate you, but that doesn't mean i love you either!!!" You finished explaining, panting and saw him with a blank face.

"OH." He nodded as he looked much more happier. You then heard someone called your name. You turned to see Sans with a kid. It's the kid. The kid that killed Flowey in your dreams. It's them, walking next to Sans, towards both of you. You shivered as you took a step back.

After they reached in front of the house they saw Papyrus. "Seems that you guys have known each other." Sans shrugged and the kid just nodded. You just kept staring at the kid and you both made eye contact. You turned away and stared at Sans instead, avoiding the kid.


"I guess you don't need any help?" He approached me and felt my forehead. I just nodded and he sighed. "Frisk was about to help but i guess we didn't need it anymore." he shrugged.

Frisk? Is that their name?

Like Sans would know what was in your mind, he introduced both of you. "Frisk, this is _____. _____this is Frisk." They held out their hand which you hesitantly took.

"WILL ANYONE CARE TO EXPLAIN?" papyrus broke the silence. Sans led us into his and Papyrus's house. You went to help Papyrus prepare for some warm hot chocolate in the kitchen while Sans and Frisk waited on the couch.

"Um, pap?" I asked him. He looked at me "WHAT IS IT HUMAN?" He took out the mugs.

"Is it actually okay to boil the cocoa?" You pointed to the steaming pot. He started to pose and said(shouted) in a proud voice.

"WELL, UNDYNE TAUGHT ME AND IT WOULD TASTE GREAT!" he slammed his hand to his chest.

"I bet it would taste eggcelent" you heard Sans added and a giggle from the living room. Papyrus started to complain to them about not making puns in the house and you giggled at the situation. You finished the hot chocolate that you made for all of you and handed each of them to the rest leaving one for you.

"How did you made this very quickly?" Sans sipped his drink "ans its delicious!" He exclaimed. Both you and Frisk giggled at the same time."I don't know, magic?" You chuckled.

"SO WHAT HAPPENDED? HOW IS THERE ANOTHER HUMAN? AND IN SUCH A SHORT TIME" Papyrus asked. Sans looked at you expecting for an answer too. You just shrugged and continued to sip your drinks.

"I just...ended up there. I don't remember anything too, which sucks" you admitted. You then look at Frisk, seeing them nodding in agreement.

"I met ____ when you're fighting with Frisk and then she fell sick and fainted so i had to bring her here." You lay on the couch and hold your empty glass. Its still warm.

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