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I hummed a random tune as I made our morning coffee. As it brewed, I looked out the window. The sky was clear and cloudless, the scent of the approaching summer in the air. It was a brilliant day – not the kind you'd want to spend indoors, working your butt off. Not like I had a choice though.

I sighed and turned back to the coffee. As I set out three mugs, my mind went back to the scene I'd walked in on the previous night. The matchmaker in me had a twisted smile on her face as she rubbed her hands in glee. It had hit me right then, when I interrupted what had seemed like a tête–à–tête between Rae and Aiden. They'd make such a cute couple! They looked absolutely perfect together. I could even see some chemistry going in there – and that was something I was never wrong about. I had a nose for budding romances. I just intuitively always knew who would fall for whom. (Yes, I have superpowers.) The only problem with the plan that was evolving in my head was that neither Aiden nor Rae were the kind who'd be up for this kind of thing. Whatever I did, I'd have to be very subtle about it.

"Need some help with that?"

I turned around, startled.

"Oh Aiden! You scared me!" I laughed weakly.

He laughed as he picked up two mugs, helping me carry them out to the dining table.

"Do you HAVE to go to work today?"

"Yeah," I said, making a face. "Rae! Coffee!" I called out, setting down the mug I was holding.

"Coming!" she called back.

"So what am I supposed to do all day?" Aiden asked, picking up a mug,

"Well...there are lots of DVDs around...oh, and you could drop by at Braveheart later," I suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds cool."

"I'm sorry, there's not much to do around really... I'll try and be back as soon as I can," I said guiltily.

"Hey, relax! After being out on the road for so long, chilling around at home sounds awesome!" he assured me.

"Oh well, okay then! Oh and hey, I was meaning to ask you – do you want to come with us to Mallorca?"

"Um, 'us' would be?"

"Rae and I. We're leaving day after tomorrow."

"...I don't know," he mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee.

"But Aiden! You have to!" I protested. "I mean, you just got here and I am so not letting you go away in a day!"

"Who asked you to book your tickets for Thursday then?" he asked, teasingly.

"Hey, it's not like I knew when you'd show up! You're the one who went all Man vs. Wild!"

He laughed. "A road trip is not 'Man vs. Wild'."

"Whatever. You're coming." I said stubbornly.

He looked at me, his eyes dancing in amusement. "Alright." He smiled.

I gave him a bright victorious smile in turn.

"Sorry, Eclaire. I'm running late. No coffee for me today!" Rae rushed in, shoes in one hand, bag in another, her hair not yet brushed.

I was too excited care. "Rae, Rae! Aiden's coming with us to Spain!" I said delightedly.

Rae, who had just picked up her car keys, stopped dead and turned around. She stared at me, and then her eyes met Aiden's.


And she was gone.

I looked at Aiden and noticed he had an odd look on his face. My matchmaker-self stopped midway through her victory jig. This was going to be hard.

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