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After dinner, Liam went back to his room while Aiden, Claire, Rae and I went out to take a walk by the pool.

I was very angry, so I walked ahead. "Hey Michael," Claire called, "so how was your day?" I turned quickly and said, "Like you care." Claire, Aiden and Rae looked at me surprised. I got even more pissed and before anyone could say anything, I ran away to the other side of the pool.

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to see Claire following me.

"Go away," I called out, annoyed.

"Mikey..." she ran up to me and caught me by the shoulder. I pulled away.

"Just go stay with Liam!" I yelled, really angrily.

She caught my hand very tightly and didn't let go.

"Mikey, my baby," she said softly, kneeling down in front of me, "what's wrong?"

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to talk to her. Not like she wanted to talk to me. All she cared about was Liam.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Duh." I'd been mad at her since forever and she hadn't even noticed.

"Why, Michael?" She put her hand on my cheek. I moved it away. "Will you please tell me why, dear? We can't fix this unless I know what's wrong, right?"

I still didn't say anything. I could feel she was looking at me, but I kept looking away.

"Is it because I've been spending too much time with Liam?"

I looked at her, and turned away again.

"It is, isn't it? Oh, Mikey I'm so sorry!"

"You say sorry like it's so simple!" I shouted. "Well, it's not! All this time, you've only been with Liam and talked about him! You didn't take me to Marineland! You didn't take me to see sharks and dolphins! You didn't come with me to buy my starfish skeleton! You only have time for Liam! You don't care about me! You know what? I actually wish he had never saved me that day!"

Claire stared at me, shocked. I turned away again and looked at the pool. I could feel tears starting to fill my eyes but I blinked them away. I didn't want Claire to see me crying. Crying was for sissies. I was very, very angry. I wanted to fight Liam and beat him up real bad.

After a few moments, Claire finally began to talk again.

"...oh, Michael...I really am sorry. It is my fault. I should've spent more time with you. I just...oh, I don't know how to explain. But I do care about you, Michael. I was so glad to bring you along because it meant I'd get to spend more time with you. I guess I just got a little too... carried away with Liam. Will you forgive me, Mikey?"

Claire looked really sad. I began to feel guilty for being mean to her and saying all that stuff. "it's okay," I replied.

She kissed me on my cheek. "I promise I'll spend more time with you from now on," she said, stroking my hair.

I smiled at her.

"Wanna go get some ice cream?" She asked, cheerfully.


She hugged me tight and I hugged her back. There, she was back to being my old Claire again.

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