29• Suitcase And Dreams

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As I was in the elevator aunty called. I picked up.

Aunty: I've been calling you since 10! Are you ok?
Me: Yeah I'm fine. Sorry. I left my phone at home.
Aunty: No the hell you did not. You just wasn't picking up. Anyway, you know how to bake right?
Me: YES! Baking is my specialty
Aunty: Good. Imma need you to bake some corn bread, brownies and and some cookies
Me: Da fuc- HECK! Why? What's happening
Aunty: Ain't nothin happenin' I just want some laying around cuz you know...reasons
Me: cuz you just fat and crave these things
Aunty: Basically. So yeah. Buy some mix. I'll pay you back $40
Me: Alright but why forty. Ain't that a little high.
Aunty: Child everything is expensive here. The mix is probably two to five dollars more than what you pay in Charlotte. Now go on. I have a metrocard for you in my room, it's all yours.
Me: Aw. Thanks Aunty. I'm on my way right now
Aunty: Alright, baby. See you later and dont burn my god damn house.
Me: Ok, ok, ok. Byeeeeeee!
Aunty: Bye


I went home, Changed my top to a undershirt and a flannel over it. The metrocard was in her room so I went there and on her dresser was one with a plastic sleeve over it with my name on it. Ghetto fancy. Took money out of my bag and was on my way

I didn't want to go too far so I just walked to Target to see if they had any of the above.

"Excuse me." I said to a worker

"What's up?"

"Do you guys have any cornbread, brownie and cookie mix?"

"We have brownie mix but the rest of the stuff you will find downtown. Everyone took the brownie and cookie mix." He said as I followed him to where it was.
I thanked him, paid for it and got the hell out. I saw Powers walking down the street.

"Aye!!!" I said. He turned and looked at me with a stank face that soon turned into a smile.

He laughed and hugged me "Chill out! Thought you was one of them niggas coming after me with their mixtape."

"My bad!" I laughed

"So whatchu doin out here? Didn't get to make it to the yard today, how was it?"

"Well you see..."

"Ah shit!"

"I kinda got into a fight with TT..."

He face palmed "You know you fucked up right? The whole block gonna hear about this if they haven't heard yet."

I face palmed too "Oh no!"

"I'm just playing with you. But you might get into a couple of run ins but it won't be bad unless you challenged them or some shit."

"So whatchu up to?" He said

"About to head downtown for a couple of things, what about you?"

"Same thing."

"Word?" I said


"Let's go then. I got my metro." I exclaimed

"Ok well you paying fo ya damn self. We goin to the one underground, you only go to the ones with the red steps if you're going around Flatbush and mostly Brooklyn. But we goin to SoHo."


"Hell yeah." We went down the steps

"For what though? Ain't that where all the fashion is and celebrities?"

"We probably won't see any famous people cuz it's Monday."


"But we might see someone." He cheered

"You right."

"I know I am." He said as we both swiped our card and stood before the yellow line.

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