87• Jukebox Joints

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This chapter is from Rocky's (Rakim's) Point Of View (POV)

"Yo." I said. Everyone snapped their neck to look at me.

"AGH! MY NECK!" Kwon yelled.

"Shut yo dumbass up." I said

"Fuck y'all. My fuckin' neck fucked up." Kwon crossed his arms and took a sip of coffee.

"Shut up. Anyway, Kamiyah found some stuff out. It's not much though." Kirk said.

"Let's see it." Joey said.

Kamiyah showed everyone her iPad. "Leslie has a tracker on her phone. Her phone has been hacked but I have only found out that she is not in New York."

"The whole state?!" Powers asked


Joey pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "If we found out where she was how are we gonna get there?"

"Car. Duh." Kamiyah shook her head.

"So Leslie is out of state." CJ said

"Mhm." I blinked back tears, Kamiyah hugged me.

"It's gonna be ok. We're gonna find her." She said into my shoulder.

I sighed. "I hope so man."

"We gonna find her." Powers cleaned up Joey's dinning table.

"For fucks sake man, let's look a little deeper." Joey took the tablet from Kamiyah.

"Joey please. There is nothing else to look at!" She said as she took the iPad back and scowled.

CJ let a guy with dreads in the house and Joey ran up to him.

"Can you track down Quincy like you did the other time?!" He said while putting his dreads in a ponytail with some hanging down.

"Hello to you too Joey and I'll try to see if anything came up." He set up his laptop on the dinning Powers just cleaned up.

"Bruh come on now." Powers sucked his teeth at Issa messing the table up again. "I just cleaned that shit."

"My bad." Issa said. He hooked all his stuff up and did his thing.

End Of POV

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