Chapter 1

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My phone buzzes in my pocket.I take it out and see a text.

"hey where r u?"

"im at home.finishing up my sketch.wat about u?"

"omw 2 the bar down on 5th between june st and hillside ave."

I was planning on going out with my boyfriend Derek but Kiera an I haven't had any time together to talk or relax.I work nights and she works day so one of us is always out working.Kiera and I have been working together for 2 years in my art studio.We met at an art convention center for tattoo classes.We quickly bonded over our love of tattoos and love for music.Two girls in their early 20's who share a love for music,art and an apartment in NYC.

"sure.b there in bout 20.i wanna finish this 2day!"

"alright.ill b waiting outside 4 u,c u soon dildo."

"u2 cunt nugget"

We have nicknames for each other.We came up with them at the convention where we met.I was drawing out a vampire dude.Dark hair,bold colored eyes,a jawline sharper than a samurai sword.He was the hunk of vampires.At least he didn't sparkle like the pathetic ones from those stupid Twilight movies.He was an all American vampire.I was putting my pencils away when I noticed something move outside my window.I leaned over my desk to investigate only to see nothing and knock my pencils over and out of the old soup can.I grabbed my leather jacket and clutch,made sure I had my keys,locked up and left the apartment.It was dark and silent like in a abandoned building crumbling away to ruins.I could hear my own sneaker patting the cold concrete,my lungs inhaling the crisp air.I felt a breeze of wind flow through my black hair,strands brushing against my ears.I reached in my pocket and took out my phone.

"omw.b there in 7."

I put it back in my pocket.I always wondered what it was like in the streets  NYC at night.My job is just down the block.I;m a tattoo artist.Even though the parlor closes at 10 my work is still not done.I have to work on my clients tattoos.I usually get a good idea of what they're looking for but lately I've had a little bit of a block.I usually draw out 2 or 3 so they can see what kind of vision I have.

I got halway to the bar and my phone rings.I look at the screen,Derek.

"Shit!I totally forgot about going to his place for the night."

I answered nervously.

"Hey babe.What's up?"

"Ummm nothing much.Do y-"  

"Listen I'm sorry about tonight.I was finished on a sketch and Kiera wanted me to come down to the bar and-"

"I'm sorry baby but it's just not working out."

I stopped dead in my tracks and froze.


"You're always at work or in your stupid little studio.We hardly ever see each other.I stopped by the other day and Kiera told me you were out shopping.Listen I got whatever you've left over here and put it in a box.I dropped it off about 5 minutes ago.The spare key you gave me is taped to the bottom.I'm really sorry Sarah,I just can't have a girlfriend who is never here.I'm sorry. "

The phone clicked and he hung up.I had tears rushing down my face.I was now running to the bar to Kiera.She is practically my sister.We could tell each other anything.I got to the corner of the block hear Kiera say my name and start to walk over.Her smile quickly turned to a frown when she saw I was running and crying.I ran into her hugging her as tight as I could.

"Oh my God Sarah are you ok?What happened?Did you get hurt?"

I tried speaking but all she could hear was mumbling and sobs."


"Derek broke up with me."

She rubbed my backand waved me side to side like a baby.

"He was a dick anyway.You always said you could do better."

I tried to stop crying which was easier than I thought.She is immediately able to calm me down and I don't know how she does it.I still was sniffling and whimpering.

"He-he was my first boyfriend."

"The first one's always a douchebag.C'mon,lets go in and forget about that asshole."

I sniffled again and nodded.I wiped my face and calmed down all the way.My heart literally ached.My chest hurt and it was tight.

"You go in Kiera and get a seat at the bar and save me one...I just need a breather."

"Sure.Scotch on the rocks?"

I nodded and she disappeared into the bar.I stood on the side of the bar,leaning against the tall brick building.I took out my phone and immediately deleted everything that had to do with Derek.As I was finishing up I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

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