Chapter 54

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Mike's POV:Trè and Kiera were sitting on the couch watching tv.I volunteered to make lunch for everyone.I looked around the kitchen to see what we had.There was just about anything to eat.I took some stuff out of the fridge.Peppers,onions,mushrooms,cheese.I opened the freezer and took out some chopped steak.There were also sub rolls in the bread box."You guys cool with cheese steaks?""That sounds so good right now." Kiera said."Trè?""Yeah I'm cool with that.""Do you guys want anything on it besides cheese?I got peppers,onions, and mushrooms.""Um...I'll have the works.""Alright.What about you Kiera?""Just peppers and onions please.""Gotcha."I turned on the stove and sauteed the peppers and onions together.I sauteed the mushrooms separately.I made theirs before I made mine.I threw in a couple pickles and chips on the side with a glass of lemonade.I set the food on the island."Lunch's on!"They both shot up quickly and made there way to the island.I put the ketchup bottle in the middle incase they wanted any.I went back to the stove to finish off mine.I put everything away and put the pans in the sink.I set my plate down on the island.I made an extra one for Billie and set it aside in the fridge."That one for Billie?" Trè asked."Yeah.I think he went up to his room to take a nap."I poured myself some lemonade and sat down.I looked at my food.I was hungry and also exhausted.I picked it up and just as I was about to take a bite I heard a blood curdling scream.

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