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Brayden lightly dropped Nicholas down onto his bed and skimmed his boyfriend's jaw with his fingers. "You want this, right?" He asked.

"I do," Nicholas whispered up to him. "You still want to...right?"

"Of course," Brayden said and pecked his lips. "But I just...I need to tell you something first."

Nicholas wrapped his thin legs around Brayden's waist as his back pressed into the mattress. "Alright."

Brayden hesitated before speaking. "I'm a virgin too," He admitted, biting his lip. "I've never done anything like this before and I'm a little nervous."

Nicholas stared up at him blankly for a few minutes. And then a smirk took over. "You're bullshitting me, aren't you?"

Brayden laughed and a blush slowly crept across his face. "No, I'm really not."

Nick's smirk started to fade into a sincere smile. He flipped them over which caught Brayden off guard.

"Two best friends being each other's first," He chuckled, "Sounds cliche."

"Then let's make it cliche," Brayden murmured, his eyes twinkling up at Nicholas.

Nick sat down on Brayden's lean abdomen. "What do you have in mind?" He asked. Brayden nodded towards Nicholas's dresser.

"Got any candles?"

Nicholas broke out into a fit of laughter. "Candles? Really?" Brayden smiled and sat up, holding Nicholas down in his lap.

"For the mood lighting," He said with a grin. Nicholas rolled his eyes.

"Does Baby really want candles?"

"Baby wants candles," Brayden confirmed.

Nicholas got up. He left the room and Brayden waited quietly, stretching his legs out in front of him as he sat there.

Nick came back a few seconds later with three small candles and a lighter. Brayden smiled at him as he set the candles down on the dresser and lit each one separately.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Nicholas muttered.

"Lighting candles for your first time or being with me for your first time?" Brayden asked with a quirky smirk.

Nick looked at him over his shoulder. "Both."

They both chuckled and the dark room turned a red color due to the flames. Nicholas set the lighter down and made his way back over to Brayden.

Brayden patted his lap and Nicholas sat back down, straddling him. Nick brushed Brayden's hair out of his eyes. "But I wouldn't have this any other way. I wouldn't trade this moment for anything."

The older boy leaned forwards and placed his lips over his boyfriend's. Nicholas sighed into the kiss, his fingers immediately going into Brayden's hair.

He tugged on the long brown hair, making guttural noises slip past Brayden's lips. The sounds sent vibrations into Nick's mouth and his body tingled.

"I fuckin' love you," Brayden whispered against the smaller boy's lips. Nick smiled into the kiss and his hands cradled Bray's jaw.

Brayden let Nicholas take control. He let him bite at his lips and let him be the one to pick the pace. Brayden didn't even care that this was his first time, all that mattered was making Nicholas happy.

Tiny hands found themselves under Brayden's t-shirt, mapping out as much as they could with their fingertips.

Nick's hands were cold against Brayden's bare body. They sent pricks of coolness coursing throughout his body. The small hairs on his arms stood on end.

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