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Brayden opened the door to his house and walked in. He set his phone and keys down onto the counter.

"Tyler, you home?" Brayden called out. Jordan stood up from the couch, a beer in his hand.

"Does it look like he's here?" Mr. Archer grumbled. Brayden rolled his eyes.

"I don't know, so maybe that's why I'm asking?"

Archer glared at him and poked him hard on the chest. "Watch your mouth, Boy." Brayden scoffed and walked down the hallway, towards Tyler's room.

He heard his phone go off but he didn't pay it any attention. It was probably Shelby and he would rather drink acid than talk to her right now.

Noticing that Tyler wasn't in his room, he shrugged and went into his own. He took off his damp shirt and started to put on a dry one.

"What the fuck?" Brayden heard his father curse. Brayden slid his arms through the shirt and walked towards the door.

Jordan stormed towards him and Brayden took a step backwards. What the fuck was going on? Archer pointed one of his old, crooked fingers at his son.

"Are you a fucking faggot?" Jordan roared, pushing his son by the chest. Brayden stumbled backwards, almost falling.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Brayden spat.

"I saw the pictures!" Archer screamed, his pale face a deep red from anger. He held up Brayden's phone, revealing a picture of him from the night before. He was kissing Nicholas in the middle of the arcade. The picture was sent from the unknown number that was texting him all weekend.

Brayden's mouth opened in shock. He put his hands up in front of him. "I can expl—"

Archer pushed him down onto his bed. He grabbed Brayden by the neck and shook his body forcefully. The younger Archer thrashed his arms and legs, trying to get his father off of him. He couldn't breathe.

"I forbid you to see that Holland boy, you hear me?" Jordan growled. His grip only tightened around Brayden's neck.

Brayden didn't know if he could respond. His throat was being closed by his father's hands and his heart was breaking by every passing second.

"DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME, BOY!?" Archer screamed, the whites of his eyes slightly turning red in irritation and a bulging vein popped out of his neck in frustration.

"Y...es," Brayden choked out. His throat began making gagging noises that he couldn't control.

"Damn right you will, because I'll kill the both of ya!"

Tears formed his Brayden's eyes and his nostrils flared. His lungs and his neck hurt, and his arms and legs began to feel tired from resisting.

And soon, the whole room became black.

"Connor!" Alex yelled and stormed into Nick's bedroom, where the two boys were playing Call of Duty. "I can't believe you fucking did this to me!"

"Did what?" He asked with a grin. Nicholas paused the game and smirked at the two.

"You gave Hunter my fucking number!" She screeched. "How could you? Why would you? How did you?" She stamped her foot down on the ground, flustered.

"Never underestimate me," He winked at her. "You're welcome by the way."

She ran a hand through her blonde locks and emitted a deep breath. Nicholas shook his head and laughed. She looked at him and a smile started to form on her lips.

"I hate you both," She joked quietly.

Connor tugged at the wet collar of his shirt and looked at Nick. "Can I borrow a shirt? This is so uncomfortable, man." Nicholas nodded and pointed to his drawer.

"Thanks," Connor said and hopped to his feet.

And just when he started to dig through his drawers to find a t-shirt, Nick's eyes widened. "Connor- wait!"

But it was too late. Connor grinned from ear to ear as he looked at his friend. He held up the bottle of lube, which was opened and used.

"Alex, look what I found," Connor laughed. Alex looked up from her phone and her eyes widened.

"Give me that!" Nicholas groaned and stood up. He grabbed it out of Connor's hand and put it back into his drawer, covering it with clothes. In the process, he managed to find a shirt and he threw it at the other boy.

"Nicholas Xavier Holland, what in fuck have you and Brayden been up to?" Alex gasped with a smirk on her face.

"Wait, pause," Connor said and stared directly at Nicholas. "You're middle name is Xavier?"

Alex rolled her eyes. Of course Connor asked that question above anything else.

Brayden woke up feeling dizzy. The room looked like it was spinning as his eyes opened. He turned his head, noticing that it was completely dark in his room.

He reached over and turned on his lamp. His eyes immediately fell to his phone that was one the floor, shattered and broken to bits and pieces.

He sat up slowly and felt sick to his stomach. His throat was raw and dry and his vision was blurry.

I'll kill the both of ya, his father's voice repeated in his head.

Brayden thought about packing his things and leaving for good. He imagined running away to Nick's house and hiding there, with Nick in his arms. But that wasn't an option.

Jordan would hurt Nicholas, and Brayden knew that the man was not bluffing.

Brayden hunched over and began to sob. Tears streamed down his cheeks and off of his chin in a matter of seconds. He had never cried like this before.

His body wrenched and he felt himself beginning to gag. His gags were like hiccups, but with each convulsion his insides constricted together.

Brayden got up and sprinted to the bathroom across the hall.

Writers Note:

I guess you could say that Nayden's love is FORBIDDEN....

Okay I'll leave


¿please comment and don't kill me?

...i still love you all...

i still love you all

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