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''Oh God. I still don't know how you haven't burned your house down Luke. Seriously, how did your dad even leave you alone in this house more than 2 weeks. If I were Andy I wouldn't even let you get out of my sight for a moment.'' Michael ranted while cleaning the mess Luke created while trying to cook stuff for his friends.

''As you see he's not here anymore. Is he?'' Luke scoffed. They never really made up after what happened 2 years ago. So it was now just Luke.

 He just wanted to make something for his friends. Well other than popcorn. Which Ashton finally managed to teach Luke how not to make it without burning the house down. 

''Hey! Watch your mouth my man is at least trying Clifford. Have you even tried to cook something in your life?'' Ashton said as he came up from Luke's back and put his hands on Luke's broad shoulders and grabbing them. Michael put the wet towel down and marched up to Luke who was in the way of Ashton.

''Excuse me sir, I clearly remember making you a nice Belgian waffle like two weeks ago. Wait, oh right. Lucas here, also was there and appreciating it. Weren't you Luke?'' Luke scoffed and spitted ''Don't call me Lucas.'' under his breath. Ashton sensing Luke tensing under his touch he just patted his shoulders and blurted a laugh.

''Yeah that was one delicious Belgian waffle.'' He went through Luke and took a look at the kitchen area, first the puddle on the floor which still had smoke on it took his attention then he saw the few pasta pieces in and around the puddle and there were some of them on the counter too. Potatoes cut in half in water, three pieces of steak Ashton assumed, that had no differences than coals. He also saw cherry jam on the walls and a few cookies all around the floor. He just stood there and just stood there.

''Wow. Must've taken a lot of time to create this huge of a mess Luke. You've really gone way too far for yourself didn't you?'' Ashton chuckled which Luke only responded with a scoff. Ashton tried to take a few steps into the kitchen but the next step he took he felt the boiling water under his feet and jumped back with a shriek which made both Michael and Luke burst into laughter and softening the situation.

''Oh my god! Let alone my socks getting wet, it's also boiling water. What the actual f.uck?'' Ashton said as he swiftly took his socks off. 

''Well I hadn't came to mop there yet.'' Michael said when he winked at Luke and they both continued laughing their ass off. ''Yeah, yeah. Laugh it off. I'm gonna take my revenge though. Always be on guard.'' He said while rolling his eyes the both now red haired and blonde headed guy who were childishly laughing.

''Sure will be babe.'' Michael chuckled it off and pecked Ashton's cheek.

''You know what? Screw this we're going out.'' Ashton said as he looked down at his bare feet and grinned at Luke. ''At least after I get on some socks.'' Luke actually didn't care and shrugged. What was his also was Ashton and Michael's too.

Luke looked at himself from the mirror that was on wall and sighed. ''Do I look okay?'' He asked Michael. He had grown in the past years. He didn't have his quiff anymore, he had a strong stubble also he didn't look like a blonde anymore. He was more like a brunette with a lighter tone. He had such an old look to his face now. Even his eyes got this old look into them. When you look at them you got the impression that this boy was through some stuff.

Michael smiled and looked at his friend. ''Yes Luke you look amazing.'' Michael assured Luke and patted his back. Luke was still not so sure though. Michael noticed the look on his face. ''What do you want me to say Luke? You look smoking hot? Oh my god I ca-'' Luke stopped him before he could finish. He didn't want Michael to finish his sentence. He still couldn't believe how Michael and Calum was so alike yet so different. Every once in a while he'd catch something that comes up from Michael's mouth that sounds just like Calum had said it. He understood why they were friends. They could literally complete each other's sentence. Luke was so glad that Calum and Michael were friends and he introduced Michael to them.

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