Chapter 9

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He had to apologize.

Luke woke up. He rub his eyes with his hands. He slowly got up from his bed and made his way to bathroom. Even though it was Saturday Luke wanted to have a shower. You never know what can happen. Luke slipped away from his pajamas and got in the shower. First Luke stand in the middle of the shower. He was like a zombie. After 5 minutes under the hot shower Luke was slowly waking up.

He wrapped his towel around his belly. Luke felt his cheek stinging. The blonde guy took a look in the mirror and saw the red strip under his eye. He touched under his eye and jumped.

"Woah!" Luke winced how it hurt when he touched it. How did it get there though Luke thought. But then remembered what happened yesterday. He brushed his teeth and went to his room. For choose an outfit. He decided in the shower. He was gonna go find Calum and apologize. He shouldn't have acted that way. He shut the phone to Ashton because he judged him. But now he did the same thing. He was feeling bad. All he wanted to do is finding Calum and apologize.

He slipped on his clothes and went downstairs. Grabbed an apple.

"Good morning." Said Andrew with a smile.

"Oh I didn't see you were there." Luke said with weak smile. He spent his night thinking over what happened. He was tired.

"Aren't you gonna eat any thing that can count as breakfast?" Andrew looked at his son. It was the first time he saw his son eating only an apple. Luke looked down at his apple. He didn't really want to eat anything. He didn't know why he usually wants to eat like everything on the table but today was different. Something was different and Luke didn't know what was that.

"Yeah. I don't wanna eat." Luke couldn't believe what he just said. That was the first time he didn't want to eat. Andrew raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?" Luke nodded. He threw his apple's remaining to the bin.

"I'm gonna take a walk maybe I'll stop by Ashton's." Luke lied to his dad. Actually there wasn't any reason to lie. His dad didn't know what happened yesterday.

"Okay. I'll be home all day." Andrew smiled. And drank his coffee from his mug.

Luke got out and shut the door behind him.

"So. Okay where can he be?" Luke didn't know Calum that well. He was walking around his neighborhood. He saw the park. He and Ashton used to play in that park. There's not way me to find Calum and the weather is beautiful so why I don't go sit and watch little kid enjoying? Luke asked himself. He made his way to the park and sat on a bench. Luke looked around. Little kids playing, a guys running, a woman talking on her phone, a couple holding hands, Calum playing his guitar, some other kids feeding birds. Wait. Calum playing his guitar? Luke looked at him. His lips were moving. He was probably singing. Luke never thought Calum could be singing. It just doesn't fits with his look. He did that again. I really need to stop this Luke thought. Luke watched Calum playing the guitar with his finger how fluently. He couldn't himself from going a little closer to what he was singing. He slowly got up and walk to Calum quietly.

Luke was curios about what Calum's voice sounds like. He listened to the song. Trying to understand which song was this. Calum's voice was amazingly relaxing, calming and at the same time it could make butterflies flying around Luke's stomach. After a few seconds Luke understood that he didn't know the song. But it was amazing. He looked really happy while playing his guitar and singing. You could see his smile. A real smile not a annoyed smile, a fake smile, a stupid smirk. It was an actual smile. Luke liked his smile.

"H-hey." Like stuttered. Well I shouldn't have said that like thought while watching the beautiful smile on Calum's face disappear. He was glaring at Luke now.

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