Chapter 15

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Luke was sitting at Ashton and his regular table, waiting or more like scanning the crowd for Ashton. His head was still throbbing because of Friday day night. Was that possible? He saw Calum's different hair colored friend sitting next to him. Luke was zoned out until the boy poked him.

"Are you here Luke?" The blonde one shook his hand and turned to Michael.

"Uh what?" Michael out his hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Luke sighed.

"I guess no. I still have a massive headache because of Friday night. I shouldn't have drunken that much." He rubbed his forehead with his fingers. Michael laughed.

"This is actually quite funny. Haven't you drunken any alcohol before?" Luke looked at him between his fingers.

"No, should I?" He asked back causing Michael laugh more. Luke sighed again looked around again for Ashton. Michael noticed that he was looking around and searching for something.

"Are you looking for someone?" He asked. Luke nodded.

"Yes actually I'm looking for my friend Ashton." He squinted his eyes like he was trying to remember who Ashton was. He smiled when he remembered.

"Are we talking about that curly headed boy who always laughs and giggles annoyingly?" Luke giggled a little to how Michael described Ashton.

"Yeah. That's totally him." Michael laughed a little, shrugged and shook his head.

"Nope haven't seen him." He said while unpacking his lunch. Luke looked around once again and saw Calum walking over them. He sit across Luke and looked at him.

"Look who decided to show up." He said. Luke was late for school today. He got up late and get in the shower and when he was out he was already late. So he thought that if he was going to be late there was no point to running and trying to reach school in a short time. He did a great breakfast and walked to school. And when he came it was nearly lunchtime.

Luke rolled his eyes and tried to think other things than his stupid headache.

"Why aren't you eating something?" Michael asked looking at Luke's side of the table. Luke's smiled actually that was the best idea he ever made.

"I did a great breakfast about just half an hour ago." Luke said.

"Was that the reason why you were late?" Calum asked. Luke shrugged.

"Actually I was already late and I didn't see any point to come here quickly." Calum smirked. He knew he was affecting Luke.

"That's my boy." He said, he was still smirking and Luke was really annoyed. He was kind of sure that Ashton won't show up. His headache was killing him so he decided to go to nurse. He got up.

"I uh I'm going to n-nurse." Calum looked up to Luke.

"Why?" Michael opened his mouth to say but Calum was faster than him.

"Don't tell you still have a hea-" Luke cut him off. He had enough Calum messing with his headache. He was already suffering.

"Yes, yes I have Calum. Have something to do with that?" Luke snapped with anger.

"Don't cut me off again." Calum said. Luke didn't care what he said he just walked away. He walked all the way to the nurse's office.

Luke knocked the door and waited for the nurse to say come in. He waited until he heard the nurse voice saying come in.

"Um Mrs. Flynn? Luke asked or more like cried. His head was killing him.

"Oh hi Luke. How are you?" If I was feeling good would I be here? Luke thought but of course didn't say anything. Instead he lied.

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