Chapter 3

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Ashton was a little nervous because of that troubled kid. He could do whatever he wants to Luke. Ashton was sitting on his bed worrying about Luke. He decided to call Luke. He opened his phone and dialed Luke's number. Luke opened at the 4th ring.


"Oh hey Luke!" Ashton said with a happy voice. Actually he wasn't that happy but he was trying his best to keep Luke happy.

"Hey Ash whatcha doing?"

"Um nothing much. Hey are you home yet?" Ashton didn't want Luke to know he still worried about him. So he tried to hide it. But turns out Luke was a clever guy.

"Ashton you don't need to worry about me. But if this make to happy then yes I'm home." Luke sighed. So did Ashton.

"So how did it go? Why it took so sh-" Luke cut Ashton.

"Ashton it was okay. The principal was with us all time. And oh my dad is not home maybe you can stay with me tonight. I don't like being alone."

"Um yeah sure but let me just ask my mom." Ashton dropped his phone and yelled to his mom.

"Mommy! Can I stay the night at Luke's place. His dad isn't home." Wow what a baby Luke thought while giggling. Ashton heard his giggle and get the phone again.

"What are you laughing?" he said. But then Luke heard Ashton's mom saying yes. Then again Ashton thanking to his mom.

"Thanks mommy I love you!" Luke couldn't hold his laughter this time and started to laugh really hard.

"Dude what?" Luke was still laughing. when he stopped laughing he started to talk.

"Aww the baby Ashton will miss his mommy while he's not home." with a annoying baby voice.

"Uh shut up Luke you know I love my mom." Luke was still giggling. Ashton continued.

"Really if you won't stop giggling I'm not gonna come to your place and let all the monsters who hiding under your bed eat you." Suddenly Luke's voice got serious.

"No okay I'll stop."

"Okay I'm on my way."

Ashton was at Luke's house in 10 minutes. He walked because he couldn't find his car keys. And that means they had to walk to school tomorrow. But Ashton didn't mind. Walking is great I can talk to Luke right thought Ashton. He knocked the door. Luke opened the door with popcorn is his hands. He was wearing a sweatpants and a casual T-shirt maybe he didn't changed his t-shirt cause it looked familiar to Ashton. Whatever. Ashton was still in his casual outfit. A skinny jean and a band t-shirt.

"Hey!" Luke greeted Ashton.

"Hey!" Ashton said while he took his shoe off and got in.

"What a lame convo." Luke mumbled.

"I heard that. By the I'm going to my room to change I'll be back in a minute then we'll start to party." Yes Ashton has a room in Luke's house. Cause the house was too big and why not. Ashton was like living there cause Luke's dad usually doesn't stay at their home. And Luke hated being alone. Ashton has a bed a wardrobe with full of clothes and posters in the wall. Like it was his room. He even has his own bathroom.

So he went upstairs and pick a sweatpants. He didn't want to change his t-shirt since it was quiet comfortable. He took his pant off. Then he smell something. It was like something's burning. Yes definetly something's burning. Ashton run downstairs with his sweatpants in his hands. And saw Luke nearby the tv trying to choose a movie.

"Luke? Aren't you smelling? Is there anything on the oven?" Ashton said while walking to the kitchen.

"God dammit! I forgot I was making popcorn on the oven." He got up quickly and ran to the kitchen. And close the oven.

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